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ESRI Software 9.1 Library - ArcIMS Interoperability


These books cover how to to use the WMS and WFS Connectors. You can also download the user guide for the Data Delivery Extension.


Using the WMS Connector: This ZIP file contains the Help for the WMS Connector. The Help covers administering WMS services and sending requests to a WMS service.

Using the WFS Connector: This PDF document covers administering WFS services and sending requests to a WFS service.

ArcIMS Data Delivery Extension (DDE) Reference Manual: This document describes the ESRI ArcIMS Data Delivery Extension (DDE), based on Safe Software's network-based spatial data distribution product. DDE allows a user to perform remote translation requests on a dataset and have that data transformed and translated into a wide variety of formats and delivered to the user's desktop. The DDE is a modular extension that is configured and installed separately from ArcIMS. It consists of a number of subsystems that communicate with ArcIMS via web page integrations.

Supporting Files

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