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ESRI Software 9.0 Library - ArcGIS Desktop Extensions

Published: January 8, 2004


These books detail the functionality of the various ArcGIS Extensions at Version 9.0.


These books are available for purchase from the ESRI Store. (Opens in new window.)

The books are available in PDF or zip file format. All the books are available at the bottom of this page, below the descriptions.

Using ArcGIS 3D Analyst: With this book, you'll learn how to make and animate realistic local and world-wide perspective views of images, scenarios, and models, all including true three-dimensional symbols; create and visualize three-dimensional surfaces; and display and view world-wide raster and vector datasets on a globe surface in their true geodetic locations.

Using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst: With this book, you'll learn how to create, query, and analyze cell-based raster maps, derive new information from existing data, query information across multiple data layers, and fully integrate cell-based raster data with traditional vector data sources.

Using ArcScan for ArcGIS: This book describes how to prepare the ArcMap environment for vectorization, use the cell selection and raster snapping tools, perform simple raster editing and automatic vectorization, and interactively trace raster cells.

Using ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst: With this book, you'll learn how to represent and explore data and determine data trends, perform diagnostic tests on data, choose and fit a model such as kriging, cokriging, IDW, and others, and compare the results of different models.

Using Maplex for ArcGIS: This book describes how to design and create publication-quality cartographic labels for maps using the Maplex for ArcGIS extension.

Using ArcGIS Publisher: This book details how to create, share and distribute published maps.

Using ArcGIS Survey Analyst: With this book, you'll learn how to import and export survey data, organize and visualize survey data, use measurements and coordinates in computations, edit features based on survey data, and perform survey network analysis.

Using ArcGIS Tracking Analyst: This book explains how to add, symbolize, display, and analyze temporal data in a powerful geographic information system environment.

Supporting Files

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