Patches and updates
Esri Business Analyst 10 Service Pack 1 - for 2010 Data
Esri is pleased to announce the release of Business Analyst 10 Service Pack 1. This update contains performance improvements and maintenance fixes for those who have installed Business Analyst 10 with 2010 Data, also known as Build
This update contains performance improvements and maintenance fixes for those who have installed Business Analyst 10 with 2010 Data, also known as Build The new version will be In addition to the fixes, improved functionality and features are included for Territory Design, the Color-Coded Maps toolbar, and Address Coder. Business Analyst Service Pack 1 is not dependent on ArcGIS Service Pack 1, thus there are no implications on the order of install. Installing both ArcGIS10SP1 and BA10SP1 is recommended.
Installing this Patch on Windows
Business Analyst 10 must be installed before you can install this Service Pack.
You can install the service pack by downloading the service pack install file locally.
Important Notes:
Note: Hotfix patches made available prior to the release of Business Analyst 10 Service Pack 1 are included in Business Analyst 10 Service Pack 1. It is no longer relevant to install these files individually.
Note: If you are applying the Business Analyst service pack using the automatic update method and have ArcGIS Server installed on your machine you must first stop the ArcGIS Server Object Manager (SOM) service. After applying the service pack you can restart the service. You can find this at Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Installing the msp file stops and restarts the SOM without user interaction.
To Manually Install the Downloaded Service Pack
- You must have ArcMap and ArcCatalog closed.
- Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location, and that no one is accessing it.
- Download BA10SP1.msp to a location other than the installation folder.
- Double-click the msp file to start the install process and follow the on screen instructions.
- You can verify the patch version from the Preferences of Business Analyst. From the Business Analyst drop-down menu select Preferences and then select the General tab, and at the bottom of this tab you will see the current version (Build #
Issues Addressed with this Patch
- CQ 46990Can't create TD layer in SDE workspace
- CQ 48082Balance GP tool, model, variable preferences control: domain doesn't update after selecting variable
- CQ 74440Export Territories fails if levels have equal names
- CQ 74702All Territories show in Data View in Selection mode instead of showing only selected after balancing territories, switching Selection mode and undo balance
- CQ 74918External bug: Spatial search works incorrectly. (fixed with ArcMap 10.0 SP1)
- CQ 75751External bug: Network Analyst Service Area calculated with attached script is much smaller than calculated by Network Analyst extension UI with same options. (fixed with ArcMap 10.0 SP1)
- CQ 78215Study Area Error - All States From List
- CQ 93984Fields alias must be fully supported
- CQ 96375Segmentation Module - Create Profiles, using customer table - no USA Geocoding Service4 available
- CQ 96386Unable to run more than two drive times without getting an Unhandled Exception error message.
- CQ 96981Summary: Auto-balanced flag cleared even new Balancing Options are equal to old
- CQ 96987Summary: if Balance fails or cancelled then Auto-balanced flag must be "No"
- CQ 96988Summary: Create From Locations with balance must set Auto-balanced flag to "Yes"
- CQ 96989Summary: Import From Database: path to import is not displayed
- CQ 98676An Unhandled Exception is encountered when running Locator Reports
- CQ109033UI: Bad flag sets to TRUE after calling Territory Layer Properties dialog
- CQ112039GP BuildAdjIndex: progress bar must reset to 0 before second task of batch executed
- CQ114665Remove Territory from Hierarchy View lead to set active level to Regions
- CQ115250TOC: empty Out of Extent Territories Layer appears after Import territories if TDExtent is on the map
- CQ115253Undo-Redo Balance works incorrectly in some cases
- CQ116754Advanced Editor - Multi-ring tables won't work in GroupHeader section
- CQ116837Reports: Customer Demographic Profile Segmentation Report: Median Home Value
- CQ122898CTFL fails with "Feature located out of extent" message if Capacity::Optimize Shape is Yes
- CQ122911CTFL: Create options is not taking into account existent territories
- CQ126397Benchmark Report GP Tool – Error Encountered When Running Without The Trade Areas In The TOC
- CQ126429Create, Save, Save TD Layer As: Path field control must be focused after "This name is already exist, please choose another name" message instead of Name field
- CQ130716Threshold Trade Areas - Aggregation method message when using any Consumer Expenditure Field For Your Threshold Value.
- CQ134833Hierarchy View: Territories tree flipped after removing upper level of territories
- CQ134834TDLayer::Save failed if Metadata contain inconsistent data/property
- CQ135368UI: TD Solution Properties: added variable can be lost on Apply button
- CQ141847Balance Territories with Generate Report fails if Cristal Report Viewer is not installed
- CQ153200Customer Setup Wizard – Manage Dialog – Long Customer Layer Names Not Viewing Correctly.
- CQ153948Advanced Editor – Undo and Redo Buttons Should Be Grayed Out If There is Nothing to Undo or Redo
- CQ154018Advanced Editor: When editing an existing report template the contents of folder are not being saved correctly.
- CQ154308Advanced Editor: Copy and paste functions do not save cell formatting.
- CQ154443Color-Coded Maps: Add a Progress Dialog Indicating that Data Is Being Retrieved
- CQ154446Newly Created Repository Items Cannot Be Removed
- CQ154996COM: ETDTerritoriesAutoNumber enum must be ETDTerritoriesAutoNumbers, ETDNetworkSolver must be ETDNetworkSolvers
- CQ156010Advanced Editor: Right mouse click menu not available when adding duplicate section.
- CQ156011Advanced Editor: Save button in the Editor should backup report when saving.
- CQ156088Advanced Editor: When using the save button in the Editor and not clicking Finish you will see two instances of the report.
- CQ156099Analysis Layer Setup: When creating a census tract custom BDS layer and using 2009 Average Household Size values are being rounded.
- CQ156400Original Huff Model - "Select feature" Field Showing Incorrect ObjectID for Each Feature
- CQ156471Color-Coded Maps Using Online Data - It Downloads On Extent Change Even If Layer Is Turned Off in the TOC
- CQ156777[SP1] New Add Business Listings – “No records found…” Message Incorrectly Displayed When Extent is Very Large.
- CQ157483Find Hot Spots – Clicking Cancel Button Causes Error
- CQ157590Proximity Analysis (Locator Report) – “Create new distance field” Is Not Used In Resulting Attributes
- CQ157676Rank Similar Sites (Find Similar) – Error When Running Using Local Data And Then Running Again Using the “Use online data” Option
- CQ158757ColorCoded Maps Error on Empty Map
- CQ158760ArcMap Fails if Server for ColorCoded Maps Is Unavailable
- CQ159043New Add Business Listings – Unknown Exception When Clicking Cancel Button During Search
- CQ159062Trade Area Error When Using esri_cnty_1 Point Layer For The Store Layer
- CQ159542BA Window – Smart Map – Resizing Width Results In Graphical Oddities
- CQ159775First Run of Spatial Overlay is Slow if You Add Any of CEX or MPI Variables
- CQ159902Custom Data Setup – “Next” Button Incorrectly Active For “Open and edit an existing BDS Layer” Option Even With No BDS Selected
- CQ159907Analysis Wizard – Append Data (Spatial Overlay) – Filter Field Performance Issue
- CQ159991BA Welcome Screen/Message Center – “more…” Link In “Recent Projects” Section Should Be Grayed Out Unless At Least 6 Projects Exist
- CQ160416Advanced Editor: Cannot reproduce BAO demographic and income comparison profile
- CQ160593Track Trade Area Change - Last Page Is Blank
- CQ160795BA Toolbars Issue – Not Sticking On
- CQ161038Trade Area – Simple Rings - "Create single report file" Resulting Report Name Is Just “Report”
- CQ161153ArcMap takes a long time to open with BA installed
- CQ161172Coder Reports: Match Level Summary Report errors
- CQ161898Segmentation Study reports do not have report logos
- CQ161936Trade Area - Manage Existing Trade Area(s) - Delete Selected Not Working Correctly
- CQ161941Reports - Ring Areas Are Reversed On Reports When Run With Specific Steps
- CQ161956Custom Reports - Using Store Totals and Report Totals results in error
- CQ161970Trade Areas tools create corrupted Trade Areas after a failure
- CQ162126Report Headers Should Be Customizable From Wizard
- CQ162136Reports: Quarterly Demographic Report chart has bad formatting in Excel
- CQ162424New Add Business Listings – Using ‘Set analysis extent to whole map extent’ Causes All Businesses To Be Added
- CQ162473Study Area – By DMA – Error When Using File Geodatabase Output
- CQ162515Evaluate Site – Use Multiple Sites – Using a store layer – Running Twice Corrupts First Run’s Layer
- CQ162516Trade Area Tools – Track Trade Area Change Error
- CQ162517USA_ESRI.xml: Incorrect description field name of US.Business.NAICS table causes empty titles of NAICS filters in new ABL.
- CQ162739Market Potential ‘expected’ values are being thematically displayed incorrectly
- CQ162757Using A Study Area or Trade Area Running Grids GP Tool Deletes Other Files From Output Directory
- CQ162862LTK: Add to BA10.0 the functionality of configurable hidding of BA user interface elements implemented recently in BA 9.3.1.
- CQ163006BA 10 - Unhandled Exception encountered when running Evaluate Site Drive Time By Entering Address For Specific Address.
- CQ163103Statistics window can be not initialized
- CQ163105Create territories wizard must use options and settings from base level by default if new level was selected
- CQ163109Tip text on Territory column of Table in Data View show even if width of column is enough to show whole Territory name
- CQ163111Invalid message is shown if user try to adjust level without territories
- CQ163121Epsilon value overflow while CTDB on Regions level
- CQ163131Custom reports - changes made by Advanced Editor are not visible in resultant PDF
- CQ163741ABL Search component should implement search by SIC and NAICS codes. It should take additional parameter of type string array to set them.
- CQ163930Detailed Territory Report Formatting Issues
- CQ163934TD Reports: Map Pictures Have Large Indents
- CQ163937TD Reports: Empty Lines in the List of Territories
- CQ163938TD Reports: Column Headers Have Fixed Size and This Results in Cutting Off the Headers or Large Indent
- CQ164259Trade Areas – Standard Geographies – Change Message Text When Trying To Create Areas Outside of the Data License Area
- CQ164268Reports – Shopping Center Report – Blank Page Create For Each Site Run In The Report
- CQ164273Custom Data Setup – BDS Names Issue – Not Ideally Handling Periods Within The Name
- CQ164275You Can Still select “View reports on screen” Even Without the PDF Report Format Checked
- CQ164279Color-Coded Maps – Formatting Change For MPI Variables – Format Percents With One Decimal and the Index With No Decimals
- CQ164280Target Marketing – All Zeros Showing Up For Percents and Indexes on the “Customer Tapestry Profile by Segment” Section of the Report.
- CQ164445Color Coded Maps doesn’t work with Smart Map Layers
- CQ164447Color Coded Maps resets symbology modified using the Core ArcGIS tools
- CQ164518Different Aggregate Income values with and without DemoCalc Performance Indexes
- CQ164617Reports - Demographic and Income Profile – Percent Sign Missing For State Annual Rate
- CQ164619Color-Coded Maps - Add Ability To Lock Ranges
- CQ165208Upload/Download: custom BDSs not shown in Upload Project Dialog (see attached file)
- CQ165347Alias: Summary shows name of field used for naming territories instead of alias
- CQ165348External bug: Barriers: Layers placed at Barriers group layer displays incorrectly in TD Reports screenshots
- CQ165422Reports - Demographic Profile - naming
- CQ165457Online Functionality UI Elements Should Be Disabled if Online Task Doesn't Exist in Dataset XML or Its Enabled Property Is Set to False
- CQ165462LTK: Problems with localization of user controls and forms must be fixed in BA 10.0.
- CQ165463DemoCalc: GetMethod Fail if Input Layer Is esri_state.bds
- CQ165657Removing level crash if some features selected at Areas level and SelectionMode switched on
- CQ165658Territory centers do not re-calculate on undo/redo balance
- CQ165856Business Analyst map templates: Need to have .mxd versions (.mxt are no longer supported in ArcGIS 10; Business tab is not longer available in Select Template.)
- CQ165864Custom Data Setup does not work if the source layer is not a BDS
- CQ166003LTK: Possibility to hide specific BA UI elements visually directly from ArcMap without knowing the details should be implemented.
- CQ166006Threshold Rings fail on Premium CEX and all MPI variables
- CQ166172DemoCalc API: Cannot get_Value on a calculated field twice
- CQ166391New Add Business Listings – Selecting To Search Within Two States Using “Multiple locations” Option Provides Results For One Additional State
- CQ166588Compare Report failed if Balancing Options contain variables with long names
- CQ166591ArcMap crashes if Territories imported from table with join
- CQ166732Selection mode switched off on Save or Save As
- CQ166932Proximity Analysis (Locator Report) - Executing of "Locator Report" GP function failed
- CQ167175BA 10 Bug: Add Business Listings - text typed into the 'Key Words' search box is unrecognized.
- CQ167236When Using the ‘BA Online Locator’ Disable The ‘Geocoding Options…’ (ArcMap) and ‘Options…’ (BA) Buttons
- CQ167353Find Hot Spot Coordinate System Is Undefined
- CQ167630Some GP Tools delete ALL FILES in output folder when error occurs
- CQ167637Spatial Overlay GP Tool fails on empty geometry
- CQ167786DriveTime: If USE_SMDT Is False And SOLVER_ID Is ”StreetMap” Default Solver Is Used (NA).
- CQ167815Custom Data Setup Wizard - UI Issues on specific machine
- CQ168331Add "Copy To" and "Move To" Commands for TD layers in Project Explorer
- CQ168333Query Layers Should Be Supported in Customer/Store Setup
- CQ168467New ABL: Restrict addition of specific wildcards only by a few concrete cases to avoid returning empty results in many other cases.
- CQ168591Business Analyst's "Quick Reports" geoprocessing tool in some cases fail with error "080001"
- CQ168592The word County is duplicated in the label for the County Labels layer
- CQ168653Build Index button is always disabled for Standard BA Data
- CQ168667Version Changer: AssemblyVersion for LuceneWrapper.dll Should Always Be Set to
- CQ168679Create Solution / Territories incorrectly works with Capacity checkbox
- CQ168680TD Solution loading fails if symbols renderer of Alignment layer was changed from Simple renderer to any other
- CQ168681Reports: Update all references of ESRI to Esri in all reports for SP1
- CQ168808File version of BAMetadata.XmlSerializers.dll should be updated automatically
- CQ168809Track Trade Area Change Report Values Are Incorrect
- CQ168930Store Setup doesn't work with map-ready data when the output format is File Geodatabase
- CQ168932Cannot build Thiessen Polygons for specific Store Layer when the output format is File Geodatabase
- CQ168939Threshold Rings do not work in Build 107
- CQ169095Custom Data Setup – “Custom BDS Layers” Folder Not Created Automatically As it Should Be.
- CQ169132Store/Customer Setup – Enter stores’ addresses/Enter customers’ addresses – “Add…” Button Disabled
- CQ169248BA 10: Geocoder does not work after adding/creating a custom bds layer
- CQ169269ArcMap can hangs on long TD operations
- CQ169369Project Explorer – Context Menus Are Disabled
- CQ169377Append Data (Spatial Overlay) Wizard Freezing In “Business Analyst Web.mxd”
- CQ169387Analysis - Customer Prospecting Error “Can't get resource 'IDS__BETWEEN”
- CQ169399Customer Geographic Summary Error – “Report metadata file is corrupted!”
- CQ169477Automatically created territories have incorrect size (Correct distance calculations for Mercator projection)
- CQ169548Trade Area – Cannot Open Previously Create Layer With Trade Area Wizard – Error When Trying To Modify Layer
- CQ169550Segmentation Study Error – “Buffer cannot be null”
- CQ169603TD Reports: In case of several reports are included in one PDF document the numbering of pages is wrong.
- CQ169606GpTests: Executing "BA9 QuickReports Test 8" fails.
- CQ169667Increase Default Size of the BlockApportionment Method in the Hybrid Democalc Settings
- CQ169680Reports – Demographic And Income Profile Report Thumbnail In Wizard Is Old Image
- CQ169681Reports – Error Encountered When Adding Custom Logo To Custom Reports.
- CQ169783Expose DemoCalcSettings object in COM
- CQ169832GPTests: Executing BA9 BenchmarkReport Test 4 fails
- CQ169883Project Explorer Is Not Updated When New Project Is Created
- CQ169897BA toolbar is not shown when USA ESRI.xml is missing
- CQ169898Do not take into account Seed Points that located at existent territories
- CQ169899Find additional cluster method must use cluster centroid instead of most weighted
- feature as territory center while creating territories from locations
- CQ169901Find additional cluster method must calculate weight for base level features by the next formula: 1/"distance to nearest seed point", instead of 1/"average distance to all seed points"
- CQ169902Create can fail if Capacity flag Optimize Territories is set and some territories are empty
- CQ169903Memory leak in case of unexpected run-time error in k-means algorithm
- CQ169904Compactness can be more than 100% at Compare Report
- CQ169905Edit Mode issue: Save Changes message shows if Edit Mode is switched on while saving TD Layer As
- CQ169906Adjacent index can hangs in some rare cases
- CQ169915LTK: Path to settings file containing info about disabled UI elements is incorrectly taken from Registry.
- CQ170033Creating custom BDS with more 1000 fields, should display warning
- CQ170035Performance of building index for FGDB-based esri_bg.bds is extremely slow
- CQ170039Advanced Editor: Percentage and Average calculators not working from Calculation menu
- CQ170116Python code runs inconsistently
- CQ170166Wind Rose Report Crashes for Default Values
- CQ170175Data Driven Rings GPTool throw exception
- CQ170211Project Explorer – “Create Report” Option Resulting In Error
- CQ170233Increase Block Apportionment Method to 100 Miles
- CQ170268DataDrivenRings and ThissenPolygons Crash After Opening Through ArcToolBox
- CQ170281CTFL: most weighted points are not using as territory centers even if "Use most weighted points" option was selected
- CQ170299Advanced Editor: when adding only one cell and one roll table the editor crashes.
- CQ170359Change 'Add Data from ArcGIS Online' link in Maps menu
- CQ170486: Capacity constraints can be ignored in specified set of options
- CQ170503Added/Updated Footer to several Segmentation Reports
- CQ170572CreateProfileByAreaSummation Crashes in Python
- CQ170589TD Reports - Advanced Editor should support arbitrary string field length
- CQ170590TD Reports - Advanced Editor should support floating point indents in the UI
- CQ170737Segmentation Penetration Map Gp Tool Does Not Create Reports from Python
- CQ170745Report engine must take into account templates fields size
- CQ170847Add updated territory_design.chm to BA10SP1 setup
- CQ170923TD Reports - Advanced Editor erases "dontBreakPagesAfterGroup" attribute from report.xml
- CQ171381Advanced Editor - Conditional formatting in custom reports
- CQ171390Balance works incorrectly with non-licensed features
- CQ171518Balance Index formula is incorrect for some cases.
- CQ171520Message Centre L10N
- CQ171951Reset Values For Advanced Tolerance Settings Are Incorrect
- CQ171986Store/Customer Setup Wizards - Review Geocoding Error For Non-Geocoded Layers
- CQ171992If BA Is Installed for the Second Time and Paths to Data Folders Differ from the Previous Ones, the Paths in BA MXD Are Broken
- CQ172141Reports - “Open and manage existing reports” - “View report(s)” Option Error
- CQ172233Reports – Benchmark Report – "Use a Trade Area as the master benchmark" Option Error
Getting Help
Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing this Service Pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.
Business Analyst 10 Service Pack 1 DVD
A DVD of this Service Pack is available for users who experience difficulties downloading the Service Pack from the web site. Simply fill out the Request a Service Pack DVD order form.
Supporting Files
BA10SP1 - MSP - 65732 kb
Download ID:1719
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