Patches and updates

Business Analyst 9.3.1 Service Pack 1 - for 2009 Data

Published: November 19, 2009


ESRI is pleased to announce the release of Business Analyst 9.3.1 Service Pack 1. This update contains performance improvements and maintenance fixes for those who have installed Business Analyst 9.3.1 with 2009 Data, also known as Build


ESRI®is pleased to announce the release of Business Analyst 9.3.1 Service Pack 1. This update contains performance improvements and maintenance fixes for those who have installed Business Analyst 9.3.1 with 2009 Data, also known as Build

    Installing this Patch on Windows

    Business Analyst 9.3.1 must be installed before you can install this Service Pack.

    You can install the service pack by downloading the service pack install file locally.

    Important Notes:

    Note: Hotfix patches made available prior to the release of Business Analyst 9.3.1 Service Pack 1 are included in Business Analyst 9.3.1 Service Pack 1. It is no longer relevant to install these files individually.

    To Manually Install the Downloaded Service Pack
    This is designed for users who are unable to access the update via the automatic update utility in Business Analyst due to local security protocols.

    1. You must have ArcMap and ArcCatalog closed.
    2. Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location, and that no one is accessing it.
    3. Download BA931SP1.msp to a location other than the installation folder.
    4. Double-click the msp file to start the install process and follow the on screen instructions.
    5. You can verify the patch version from the Preferences of Business Analyst. From the Business Analyst drop-down menu select Preferences and then select the General tab, and at the bottom of this tab you will see the current version (Build #

    Issues Addressed with this Patch

      • NIM042412 Spatial Overlay and Market Profile report not correctly reporting 2008/2013 Median Value: OOHUs on census tract 39061000301
      • NIM040129: Project Explorer: To have the ability to copy and move multiple items from one project to another.
      • NIM043394: Dynamic Ring Analysis: When graph is docked below the TOC/Data view has the threshold field values section left justified instead of right.
      • NIM043800: BA DMA and ZIP Code Thematic Layers Spatial Join Issue - Not Appending As Expected.
      • NIM043801: Add Business Listings - "Use Aliases" check box in the Select menu for SIC codes is always grayed out
      • NIM045078: Thematic mapping by hidden variables results in an unhandled exception.
      • NIM045208: Thematic Mapping Wizard - Chart Option’s Field List Requires Search Filter And Tree and List View Options
      • NIM046510: Measure Cannibalization (BA) tool fails from Python script.
      • NIM046817: Resulting Trade Areas do not show all of the shaded overlap as they should when creating Measure Cannibalization - Error Instead
      • NIM046926: Sub-Geography trade area tool fails when output data format is set to File Geodatabase.
      • NIM047280: Add Excel version of the 2009_BA_ESRI_Demographics PDF to either install into the Documentation folder or make it available on the ESRI support site in Product Documentation
      • NIM047370: Layers Created With The Virtual Earth (Bing) Tool Need To Include Vintage Info - Help Needs Vintage And Methodology Info As Well.
      • NIM047584: After updating to Business Analyst 9.3.1, clients get the GXImageConnect error message when opening Business Analyst.
      • NIM047815: Client receives Unhandled Exception when running reports using custom bds layer (either newly created or previously created prior to 9.3.1).
      • NIM048013: Analysis Layer Setup: On the panel where the aggregation methods are selected, the Help button references Help documentation that references 2008. It should be 2009.
      • NIM048131: An Unhandled Exception is encountered when running a Huff Probability Model using the attached layer.
      • NIM050866: Custom Reports return incorrect values when run on custom bds and using standard geographies
      • CQ52294: Original Huff Model: Store Address Value Isn't Saved from Previous Analysis
      • CQ52398: Create Profile by Area Summation - Change Text For Two Fields and Related Help File
      • CQ75641: BA Address Inspector tool context menu should include the same commands as standard ArcMap Address Inspector tool
      • CQ85218: The “Routing Service” field in the Find Route tool’s “Options” tab is incorrectly empty by default
      • CQ92294: Segmentation Study: Problems With Adding Existing Benchmark and Customer Demographic Comparison Reports.
      • CQ95252: Market Penetration – Store/Area Identification Issue
      • CQ96224: Segmentation - Proper Icons Are Not Being Used In The Manage Segmentation Analysis Dialog
      • CQ96225: Study Areas – County Annotation Incorrectly Shown For “From a map” Option For States and CBSA’s
      • CQ96388: Exception when threshold value is never reached
      • CQ96476: Add Business Listings layer gets renamed to “Custom Data” in the TOC after assignment to stores.
      • CQ98208: Track TA Change: Wrong Spatial Index Message
      • CQ99751: Simple Rings Fails With an Exception if Selected Stores Are Not in the Analysis Extent
      • CQ99752: Drive Time Polygons: "No Stores in the Extent" Error Is Returned in a Not User-Friendly Way
      • CQ99753: Market Penetration Tool Ignores "Analyze Only Selected Customers" Option
      • CQ102545: Spatial Overlay - Cancelled job still shows up in manage existing analyses list
      • CQ102887: Manage Existing Analyses Dialog Is Not Showing Long Names Correctly
      • CQ102936: Find Similar Using Trade Areas – Trade Area Layer Fields Not Included In Analysis Layer When Using "Use Master Site from another layer" Option
      • CQ103039: Error After Clicking Cancel While The Locator Report Was Running
      • CQ106953: Manage Existing Customer Layer(s) - Highlighting Issue When Deleting Multiple Layers
      • CQ105176: Weighted Average calculations work incorrectly in Demographic Calculations
      • CQ107036: Segmentation Study Items Dialog Needs Pop Up Tips For Report Names That Don’t Fully Fit In The Dialog
      • CQ107342: PE Properties Dialog Called for TD Layers Caches Comments
      • CQ113134: Alaska Incorrectly Processes With Add Business Listings
      • CQ115233: Advanced Editor - Formatting improvements
      • CQ116161: Limit the use of the Geocoding processing dialog for Store and Customer Setup
      • CQ116165: Benchmark Report - Table portion of the Preview dialog does not resize properly
      • CQ116397: Trade Area and Analysis have compressed images on the "Rename" dialogs
      • CQ116754: Advanced Editor - Multi-ring tables won't work in Group Header section
      • CQ116763: Market Potential Report Fails When Option to Create Thematic Map Using Expected Volume Field Is Selected
      • CQ116764: Market Potential Report: the Text for Market Potential Volume Report Is Displayed on the Geography Level Selection Page
      • CQ117177: Segmentation Module – “Delete a segment” option in a profile table behaves differently depending on when you are viewing the table
      • CQ117183: Segmentation Module – Modified Layer To De-select “Use volume information” But Volume Data Still Shown In Table
      • CQ117289: Add Business Listings – Wizard Should Prevent Using Previously Used “Add Business Listings” Layer Names
      • CQ117399: Study Area Wizard – Incorrect Default Layer Name If Name Already Exists
      • CQ117408: Analysis Layer Setup – Method For Notifying and Adding Necessary Additional Fields For Calculating Values Is Inconsistent
      • CQ117412: Report Wizard – “Add report data back to analysis layer” Option Not Working Correctly
      • CQ117486: Reports Run For Territories Exported From TD Show Zeroes In The Final Report
      • CQ117571: Customer Prospecting Error When Running A Report For The Resulting Analysis Layer
      • CQ117575: Using the “View reports on screen” Option in a Batch Task Works Everywhere Else Except For Jobs Using the Reports Menu Alone
      • CQ117580: Customer Setup Wizard Error Using .CSV Table And Using Personal GDB Output In Preferences
      • CQ117648: Spatial Overly – Previous Run’s Selected Feature Option Is Incorrectly Used In Later Jobs Results in Blank Attributes Table
      • CQ117652: Reports Wizard – “For both Individual Features and Whole Layer” Options Incorrectly Includes 2nd and 3rd Columns of Zero Data For The Comprehensive Report
      • CQ117736: Thematic Mapping Wizard – Graphic Is Stretched
      • CQ117738: Study Area – Filtered Selection Issue
      • CQ117743: Change Inserted Map Graphic To Be Landscape Instead of Portrait For Age Report, Household Report, Population Report, and Race Report
      • CQ117827: Reports Wizard – Run reports for multiple layers - “Click to add other polygon layers” Selections Incorrectly Sticking
      • CQ117828: Reports Wizard – Run reports for multiple layers – Ctrl-Click Selection Issues
      • CQ117875: Summarize Points Report – Prints In Portrait But The Report Is Landscape
      • CQ117880: Customer Demographic Comparison Report Error Comparing sf_custs to sf_stores
      • CQ117881: Customer Demographic Comparison Report – Prints In Portrait But The Report Is Landscape
      • CQ117891: Cancelling Simple Rings Progress Bar Results in Exception
      • CQ117893: Advanced Editor: Incorrect Numbers in Preview Report
      • CQ117992: Error When Running Custom Report with Percentage Calculation for Trade Area with Zero Demography Values
      • CQ118111: Default Percentage Field Cannot Be Changed
      • CQ118112: Layer Created in Personal Geodatabase or File Geodatabase Format Cannot Be Renamed
      • CQ118114: Error when Changing Layer Name in Project Explorer to Name Similar to the Existing Layer
      • CQ118375: Track Trade Area Change Report Incorrect Title
      • CQ118534: Block Apportion democalc method doesn't work when CBA Block Apportion Method is being used.
      • CQ118823: Trade areas created by Site Prospecting wizard have empty "Name Field" parameter in metadata file.
      • CQ118828: Include Store Name Field into desire lines output feature class
      • CQ118954: Error When Editing Several Special Report Templates
      • CQ119081: Find Similar should respect current analysis extent
      • CQ119219: Modeling Analysis: Incorrect Final Page
      • CQ119220: Incorrect Modeling Analysis Descriptions
      • CQ119221: Mean Store Center: Picture on the Report Options Page Is Stretched
      • CQ120130: Segmentation Module - Create target group from chart – Add Profile Identification To Chart Legend
      • CQ120428: Measure Cannibalization Report Is Missing Trade Area IDs
      • CQ120771: Custom Reports – After Clicking Finish While Waiting For The Completion Message No Hour-Glass Cursor Is Shown
      • CQ121257: Segmentation Module - Target Map Report - Low Quality Image
      • CQ122676: BA Reports Are Slower in BA 9.3.1 Than in BA 9.3 SP1
      • CQ122680: Spatial Overlay fails when data layer is custom bds without hierarchy tag
      • CQ122702: Mean Store Center Doesn't Work if Customer Layer Is in Projected Coordinate System
      • CQ122914: Find Similar Algorithm Should Be Changed
      • CQ122934: The "Find point by address" wizard doesn't stop after error message
      • CQ123109: Grids GP tool does not create a list of output fields for further use in models
      • CQ123200: Mean Store Setup: Will create empty layer when using specific customer layer and selecting to define multiple mean store centers.
      • CQ123233: Age by Sex Report – Percent Signs Incorrectly Shown On 2009 Total Population by Age Numbers
      • CQ123554: Unable to run Add Field GP Tool for an output of Grids GP Tool in the same model
      • CQ123555: Unable to run Grids GP Tool twice in a row
      • CQ123822: The model containing Grids, Add Field and Store Setup GP Tools fails
      • CQ124022: Virtual Earth Search Gets "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" Error When Set To Whole Map Extent
      • CQ124118: Shopping Centers Report – Whole Layer Header Issues
      • CQ124119: Business Locations Report and Detailed Business Locations Report – Whole Layer Header Issues
      • CQ124137: Area Brief Report Template Incorrectly Prints In Portrait Orientation When It Should Print In Landscape Orientation
      • CQ124155: Reports Wizard – Odd Results With Portrait “Create Series of Maps” Report with a Landscape Map Layout View
      • CQ124494: Add "Business_Analyst_Base_Data.lyr" File To BA Data Folder
      • CQ124506: Dynamic Ring Analysis does not save new chart fields
      • CQ124127: Shopping Centers Report – Centers with Store ID 2 Show Up On Page With Store ID 1 On The Page Header
      • CQ125081: Edited BDS layers ignore modifications made to the calculated fields.
      • CQ125132: Advanced Editor: Indexes, Averages, and Percentages not working as intended. These calculations will overwrite any non calculated variable used in the formula.
      • CQ126171: speeds.dbf is not installed to the connectorsrte.rsx folder
      • CQ126792: Business Analyst Doesn't Allow Using Speed Limits Templates for Streets Networks with Different Speed Limits
      • CQ127534: Market Profile report referencing old US bases
      • CQ127298: Market Profile report fails for particular point.
      • CQ128468: Error Running All Reports For A Site Prospecting Layer – “Not enough memory to create requested bitmap”
      • CQ128538: Standard Geography Levels in BA Server show mixes geography levels IDs.
      • CQ128674: Segmentation Module – “Create a new Study” Option Results in “Can’t get Segmentation Study templates folder” Error
      • CQ129113: Site Prospecting > Manage Existing > Modify shows old UI images.
      • CQ129187: Add new business_analyst.chm for the BA931SP1 release
      • CQ129497: Cannot install BA9.3.1 properly after uninstalling BA9.3.1 SP1
      • CQ130091: Reports: Benchmark Report fails with rings and standard geographies when Exporting to Excel
      • CQ130533: BING Control Returns 0 Results for Query with Japanese Characters
      • CQ131057: Benchmark report has different decimal places for "Difference", "Percent" and "Index" column.
      • CQ131531: Benchmark Report – “Add other polygon layers” – “Use Selected feature” Error
      • CQ131561: Stitched reports have small page margins
      • CQ131567: Impossible to select any report template for Business Point Report
      • CQ132109: Executive Summary - Percent Values Missing From Paragraph Text
      • CQ132223: Executive Summary Report – “2000-2009 Annual Rate” for Households Should Match Value In Paragraph Below
      • CQ132621: Custom BDS fails when custom calculations are used in a report or spatial overlay.
      • CQ132927: Reports - "Create single report file” Option Is Adding A Blank Page
      • NIM036679: BACanada: TeleAtlas Street Issue – Highway Not Labeled Or Missing
      • NIM047845: BACanada: Slow performance issues with using Select by Location on a Study Area.
      • CQ97002: BACanada: Dominant segment code field should be calculated for Canada dataset
      • CQ121943: BACanada: Preference – “Speed Limits template” Field is Set to a Blank Custom Setting By Default
      • CQ121945: BACanada: Preference – “Choose Project Explorer Report Template” Field Is Blank By Default
      • CQ94938: BACanada: Reports - Detailed Income Profile Canada and Demographic and Income Canada - Change Income Sections from 2000 to 2003
      • CQ121556: BACanada: Family Report Is Producing A Blank Page
      • CQ97205: BACanada: Uninstall Leaving Behind Remnants
      • CQ123804: BACanada: Market Ranking Report Wizard – No Additional Fields Variables Show Up Until You Try It For The “Provinces & Territories” Layer
      • CQ122175: BACanada: Slow performance issues with using Select by Location on a Study Area.
      • CQ122045: BACanada: Spatial Overlay Result Fields Include Inappropriate Number of Decimal Places
      • CQ60164: BACanada: Need two changes in the data: add generalized shapes and re-block all the data by province first
      • CQ121447: BACanada: Report Footers Are Showing Wrong Phone Number
      • CQ126177: BACanada: Error Running Reports for a Zero Data Area
      • CQ126786: BACanada: Find Similar Using Both Methods Fails
      • CQ126343: BACanada: With "Use generalized geometry" Checked Off In Preferences The Trade Area Wizard And Study Area Wizard Should Produce Detailed Layers
      • CQ125900: BACanada: Installation – Some Text Is Getting Cut Off On One of the Custom Installation Screens
      • CQ129111: BACanada: Map Layout Report – "Page Header plus Page Footer is too large for the page" Message
      • CQ131184: BACanada: Desire Lines Error With Specific Client File
      • CQ131183: BACanada: Store/Customer Setup Error With Specific Client File
      • CQ118535: BANorway: Threshold Rings based on Drive Time don't work if StreetsNetwork2 isn't set.
      • CQ120333: BANorway: Summarization Point Report throw exception

      Getting Help

      Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing this Service Pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.

      Business Analyst 9.3.1 Service Pack 1 DVD
      A DVD of this Service Pack will be made available in the next several weeks for users who experience difficulties downloading the Service Pack from the web site. Simply fill out the Request a Service Pack DVD order form.

    Supporting Files

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