Patches and updates
ArcWeb for Developers 2.0 - Patch 10/18/03
This is an explanation of the fifth patch to ArcWeb for Developers version 2.0. There are no downloads or necessary updates on your part; these changes have already been made on the ESRI servers.
There is no download or necessary updates on your part; this is a list of changes that have already been made on the server and provided here for your information:
- Thematic Map Image legend no longer displays multiple records for Block Groups and Tracts.
- Proximity whereClause with double quotes value no longer throws Internal Server error.
- Reverse geocoding now supports Canadian data. Use method getAddress with the data source GDT.Streets.CA
- The Map Image scalebar is now correct.
- US Counties list in Place Finder has been updated.
Download ID:660
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