Patches and updates

ArcView 3.0a License Manager Daemon for Sun Solaris

Published: August 6, 1998


This file updates the existing ArcView 3.0a "lmgrd," "lmutil," "license.boot," and "ESRI" files on the Solaris 2 platform to resolve difficulties reported by users with starting the License Manager daemon on this platform.

The files provided should REPLACE the existing files installed in the $AVHOME/sysgen directory. You can also copy the correct version of "lmgrd," "lmutil," "license.boot," and "ESRI" files from an existing ArcInfo 7.1.1 ($ARCHOME/sysgen/) installation or an ArcView 3 (arcview30_install_dir/sysgen/) installation.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the updated "license.tar.Z" to your $AVHOME/sysgen directory.
  2. Uncompress the file:
    %uncompress license.tar.Z
  3. Untar the file:
    %tar - xvf license.tar.Z

This will install four updated files--"lmgrd," "lmutil," "license.boot," and "ESRI"--in your $AVHOME/sysgen directory.

Supporting Files

Download ID:490

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