Patches and updates
ArcSDE 8.1 for Informix ArcIMS/ArcView Layer Display, Layer Extent, DBTUNE and Reconcile/Post Patch
ESRI® is pleased to announce the ArcSDE 8.1 for Informix® ArcIMS/ArcView Layer Display and Reconcile/Post Patch. This patch repairs a problem with displaying versioned data from ArcGIS 8.1 in either ArcIMS 3.1, or ArcView 3.2a using DBAccess 2.1b.
This patch also repairs a problem with reconciling and posting of edits for a versioned dataset by a user other than the owner of the dataset.
Finally, this patch repairs a problem with layer extents that are specified incorrectly after editing of a feature class in ArcMap.
It deals specifically with the display problem listed below under Bugs Fixed with this Patch.
Hardware Environment
During installation, you can either save the original 8.1 files or overwrite them. If you choose to save them, make sure you have enough disk space. The estimated disk space requirements are.
Platform Disk SpaceHP® PA-RISC HP-UX® 12 MBIBM® RS/6000® and AIX® 13 MBSun Solaris2 13 MBWindows NT®/2000®-Intel® 3 MB
Bugs Fixed with this Patch
CQ00145313 - SDE Dbtune B_Storage Parameter Does Not Work Correctly When Not Used With D_Storage Parameter.
Using a dbtune.sde file with any keywords other than DEFAULT that includes a B_STORAGE parameter but not the D_STORAGE parameter defined, whatever is defined for B_STORAGE will not be used. Instead, the B_STORAGE parameter will be replaced by DEFAULTS.B_STORAGE instead.
CQ00146511 - Attribute Column Not Found Error Occurs When Displaying Data In ArcIMS/ArcView.
Problem displaying versioned data from ArcGIS 8.1 in either ArcIMS 3.1 or ArcView 3.2a using DBAccess 2.1b.
CQ00146516 - Layer Extents Is Specified Incorrectly After Several Edits on Feature Class in Informix.
First load a shape file into ArcSDE for Informix. Then, register this feature class for versioning. If you display this feature class, the extents display correctly at this time. Then bring this feature class into ArcMap, do some editing by creating several new polygons. Save the feature class edits. Go back into either ArcCatalog or ArcMap and redisplay the feature class. At this time, the full extent view of the feature class displays incorrectly.
It would require the sdelayer -o alter -E calc command to redefine the correct layer extents.
CQ00146538 - Failure With Reconcile/Post in ArcSDE for Informix.
Using ArcCatalog and ArcMap, we can do some editing of versioned feature classes against the ArcSDE Informix server. To implement this functionality, different kinds of parameterized views(sde_std_view_<regid>, sde_std_log_view_<regid>,etc.) must be created inside the Informix database by joining the feature class base table and its A_<regid> and D_<regid> tables.
These views will be created only when the versioned feature class is queried or edited from ArcInfo GUI. Once these views are created, select permission will be granted to public on these views. Then other users who have select permission on base tables can also query these feature class through these parameterized views.
If the owner of the base table tries to edit or query a feature class, the parameterized views will be created and permission will be granted with no problems.
However if other users who are granted select, update permissions on the base table with no grant option come in and try to edit or query the feature class first, the parameterized views can also be created, but when they want to grant select permission to public, it will be denied since these users have no grant permission.
Therefore, edits by these other users are allowed to be saved. However, when these edits are reconciled and posted to the base (default) tables, a failure will occur.
Files Installed in this Patch
- Under the $SDEHOME/bin directory:
- Under the $SDEHOME/lib directory:
NOTE: for HP platform
NOTE: for HP platform
- Under the %SDEHOME%\bin directory:
Installing the Layer Display Patch
Since this patch replaces several ArcSDE 8.1 for Informix files, ArcSDE 8.1 for Informix SP1 must be installed before you can install this patch.
The ArcIMS/ArcView Layer Display Patch installation requires the SDE user account.
Make sure you have write access to $SDEHOME, that no one is using ArcSDE, and that the ArcSDE service is down.
- In the $SDEHOME/bin directory, rename the following files:
gsrvr.static to gsrvr.static.orig
- In the $SDEHOME/lib directory, rename the following files: to (.sl for HP) to (.sl for HP) - Download the appropriate files to your $SDEHOME:
sde81sp1_inf_hp.tar.Z (5 MB) sde81sp1_inf_ibm.tar.Z (5 MB) sde81sp1_inf_sun.tar.Z (4 MB) - Uncompress and extract the specified tar files for your platform, type:
% uncompress sde81sp1_inf_<platform>.tar.Z
% tar xvf sde81sp1_inf_<platform>.tar - As the Informix user, grant DBA permissions to the sde user for the ArcSDE database(s).
- If the sde user cannot be granted DBA permissions for the ArcSDE database, the sde user will need to run the following command for all ArcSDE users of the ArcSDE database:
% $SDEHOME/tools/informix/drop_std_view <ArcGIS_database> <user> <passwd>
- Run the following command as the SDE user to perform the upgrade:
% sdeseteupinfx -o upgrade[-H <sde_directory>] [-p <DB_Admin_password>] [-N] [-q]
- As the SDE user, run the following command to restart the ArcSDE service:
% sdemon-o start [[-i<service>] [-s <server_name>] |[-H <sde_directory>]] [-p <DB_Admin_password>]
Make sure you have write access to %SDEHOME% and that no one is using ArcSDE.
- In the %SDEHOME%\bin folder, rename the following files:
gsrvr.exe to gsrver.exe.orig
gsrvrinf81.dll to gsrvinf81.dll.orig
sdeinfsrvr81.dll to sdeinfsrvr81.dll.orig - Download the appropriate files to a location other than %SDEHOME%:
(2 MB)
- Use WinZip to extract the files to your %SDEHOME%\bin folder.
- As the Informix user, grant DBA permissions to the sde user for the ArcSDE database(s).
- If the sde user cannot be granted DBA permissions for the ArcSDE database, the sde user will need to run the following command for all ArcSDE users of the ArcSDE database:
% %SDEHOME%\tools\informix\drop_std_view <ArcGIS_database> <user> <passwd>
- Run the following command as the SDE user to perform the upgrade:
C:\> sdeseteupinfx -o upgrade[-H <sde_directory>] [-p<DB_Admin_password>] [-N] [-q]
- As the SDE user, run the following command to restart the ArcSDE service:
C:\> sdemon-o start [[-i<service>] [-s <server_name>] |[-H <sde_directory>]] [-p<DB_Admin_password>]
Install Guide Update Information
This section contains updates to the ArcSDE 8.1 for Informix Install Guide.
Informix Database Requirements
The INFORMIX-Dynamic Server, Informix Spatial DataBlade and the INFORMIX-CLI are required for the ArcSDE 8.1 for Informix software program. Below is the specific database and client versions required for the supported hardware platforms.
IDS Version
Spatial DataBlade
Sun | 9.21.UC4 | 8.10.UC1X3* | 2.50.UC2X8 or 2.70.UC1 |
Hewlett-Packard | 9.21.HC4 | 8.10.HC1* | 2.50.HC2X8 or 2.70.HC1** |
IBM RS/6000 and AIX | 9.21.UC4 | 8.10.UC1* | 2.50.UC2X8 or 2.70.UC1** |
9.21.TC4XB version is no longer required once the ArcSDE 8.1 for Informix Performance Patch is installed.
*There is an important patch available for the Spatial DataBlade if you are going to upgrade from a 3.x service to 8.1. Please see Upgrading an Existing Server in the Installation Guide for ArcSDE 8.1 for Informix for important patch information.
**Please check with Informix regarding availability and with ESRI for certification levels of 2.70.HC1 for Hewlett-Packard and 2.70.UC1 for IBM. These versions were not available at the time of this release and therefore have not yet been certified by ESRI. However, no issues or problems are anticipated.
Important Note:
INFORMIX-CLI used in conjunction with IDS 9.21 consists of either the I-CONNECT or CLIENTSDK applications. ArcSDE 8.1 for Informix will work perfectly well with either of these products. If you plan not to do any developing of software that requires using Informix's client libraries and development toolkit, then the I-CONNECT will work just fine and is bundled with IDS 9.21. If you do plan to do any development that requires using Informix's client libraries and development toolkit, then you will need to use CLIENTSDK.Important Note:
The INFORMIX CLI 2.50.UC2X8 and 2.50.HC2X8 versions are not orderable products. Customers with valid maintenance contracts must initiate an Informix Technical Support case by calling 1-800-274-8184 to acquire these patches. Customers without maintenance will not be able to obtain the patch.
Creating the Informix ArcSDE Database
Do not use the%SDEHOME%\tools\informix\createsde.sql
script to create the ArcGIS database. Instead, all you have to do is create an ArcSDE database or use an existing one and register it with the Informix Spatial DataBlade.
Informix Dynamic Server Requirements
The INFORMIX-Dynamic Server 2000TM (IDS), INFORMIX-CLI and Informix Spatial DataBlade are required for the ArcSDE software program. Below is the specific certified and supported database and client versions (or higher) required for the supported hardware platforms.
IDS Version
Spatial DataBlade
PC (Intel) Windows NT & Windows 2000 |
2.50.TC2X8 or 2.70.TC1
NOTE: 9.21.TC4XB version is no longer required once the ArcSDE 8.1 for Informix Performance Patch is installed.
* There is an important patch available for the Spatial DataBlade if you are going to upgrade from a 3.x service to 8.1. Please see Upgrading an Existing Server in the Installation Guide for ArcSDE 8.1 for Informix for important patch information.
Important Note:
INFORMIX-CLI used in conjunction with IDS 9.21.TC4 consists of either the I-CONNECT or CLIENTSDK applications. ArcSDE 8.1 for Informix will work perfectly well with either of these products. If you plan not to do any developing of software that requires using Informix's client libraries and development toolkit, then the I-CONNECT will work just fine and is bundled with IDS 9.21.TC4. If you do plan to do any development that requires using Informix's client libraries and development toolkit, then you will need to use CLIENTSDK.Important Note: The INFORMIX-CLI 2.50.TC2X8 patch are not orderable products. Customers with valid maintenance contracts must initiate an Informix Technical Support case by calling 1-800-274-8184 to acquire the patched version of IDS 9.21.xC4 and INFORMIX-CLI 2.50.TC2X8. Customers without maintenance will not be able to obtain the patch.
Creating the Informix ArcSDE Database
Do not use the %SDEHOME%\tools\informix\createsde.sql script to create the ArcGIS database. Instead, all you have to do is create an ArcSDE database or use an existing one and register it with the Informix Spatial DataBlade.
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