Patches and updates
ArcIMS Serialization Converter Utility Update
This update enables ArcIMS 3.1 users to convert their ArcIMS 3.1 site and folders configuration files (EsrimapCatalog.ser and EsrimapCookies.ser) to ArcIMS 4.0 format (ArcIMSSite.sez and ArcIMSFolders.sez respectively).
Please refer to the readme files included with this download for information on how to use the ArcIMS Serialization Converter.
Issues Addressed with this Patch
- CQ00162587 SerConverter throws java/lang/StringIndexOutOfBoundsException with some ser files
- CQ00165623 Japanese characters in MapNotes description cause problems when restarting
- CQ00165643 EditNotes cannot take Japanese layer names and descriptions
- CQ00166780 SerConverter creates sez files including services without an Environment tag
Files Installed in this Patch
AIX and Solaris
- Com directory
- serconverter.exe
Installing the Patch
Before you start, make sure you have write access to your ArcIMS install or $AIMSHOME directory, and have permission to stop ArcIMS Services.
Installation instructions on UNIX:
- Download the Updated ArcIMS Serialization Converter for AIX and Solaris (TAR format, 1.1 MB) file to a working directory where it can be expanded.
- Use the tar command:
%tar xvf com.tar
- Stop the ArcIMS Tasker, ArcIMS Monitor, ArcIMS Application Server (in that order).
- Navigate to $AIMSHOME/Middleware/SerConverter and make a copy of the existing com directory, to say: Original_com
- Copy the com directory from the patch to $AIMSHOME/Middleware/SerConverter.
- Restart ArcIMS Application Server, ArcIMS Monitor and ArcIMS Tasker (in that order).
You're now ready to run the ArcIMS Serialization Converter.
Installation instructions on Windows:
- Download the Updated ArcIMS Serialization Converter for Windows (EXE format, 581 KB).
- Open Windows Explorer and navigate to \Middleware\SerConverter directory.
- Delete the existing SerConverter.exe and empty your recycle bin.
- Copy SerConverter.exe from this distribution to \Middleware\SerConverter directory.
You're now ready to run the ArcIMS Serialization Converter.
- ArcIMS Site Information Conversion (TXT format, 4 KB).
- Read Me (TXT format, 3 KB).
Identifying QFE files on your machine
To check for the presence of Quick Fixes, examine the unique identification information by a (right click, properties, version tab) action under Explorer. With only a few exceptions, all files modified as part of a QFE distribution can be uniquely identified in this manner. Under Windows 2000, select 'Product Version' under the 'Item name' column to see the unique identifier. The identification string for this QFE should read: AIMS-CQ00165402
Any modified UNIX executables (or libraries) being sent out as part of a Quick Fix will return the unique identification number for that fix when checked with the "what" command for UNIX and the "strings" command for Linux. For example, to display the identification string for this Patch on UNIX, type:
%cd <directory where the patched file is located>
%what <file name>| grep ESRI
Download ID:154
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