Patches and updates

ArcIMS 9.0 SP2 GET_PROJECT tag patch

Published: January 24, 2005


A security issue has been identified that could cause the Spatial Server to restart in ArcIMS 9.0 SP2.


Installation prerequisite

ArcIMS 9.0 SP2 must be installed prior to installing the GET_PROJECT tag patch.

Installing the Service Pack

On Windows

  • Download (55 KB).
    • Installation instructions on Windows
      • From your Services control panel, stop the ArcIMS Tasker, ArcIMS Monitor, and ArcIMS Application Server (in that order).
      • Unzip
      • Make a copy of <ArcIMS Installation Directory>\Server\ext\FeatureServer\aimsfs.dll to aimsfs.dll.sp2
      • Replace <ArcIMS Installation Directory>\Server\ext\FeatureServer\aimsfs.dll with the new file provided in this patch.
      • Make a copy of <ArcIMS Installation Directory>\Server\locales\FeatureServer\aimsfs_root.res to aimsfs_root.res.sp2
      • Replace <ArcIMS Installation Directory>\Server\locales\FeatureServer\aimsfs_root.res with the new file provided in this patch.
      • From your Services control panel, start the ArcIMS Application Server, ArcIMS Monitor and ArcIMS Tasker (in that order).

On Unix and Linux -

  • Download the appropriate tar file for your platform:
    AIX - ims90sp2-cq257414-aix.tar (250 KB)
    HP-UX - ims90sp2-cq257414-hp.tar (879 KB)
    LINUX - ims90sp2-cq257414-linux.tar (150 KB)
    SOLARIS - ims90sp2-cq257414-sun.tar (186 KB)
  • Installation instructions on UNIX and Linux
    1. Stop the ArcIMS Tasker, ArcIMS Monitor, and ArcIMS Application Server (in that order) or use the script <ArcIMS Installation Directory>/qs_scripts/stop_arcims.
    2. For AIX only, as root, run the slibclean command:


    3. Extract the ims90-sp2-<platform>_extract.tar:

      %tar xvf ims90-sp2-<platform>_extract.tar
      %tar -xvf ims90-sp2-<platform>_extract.tar AIX

    4. Make a copy of <ArcIMS Installation Directory>/ext/FeatureServer/aimsfs.dll to aimsfs.dll.sp2
    5. Replace <ArcIMS Installation Directory>/ext/FeaturesServer/aimsfs.dll with the new file provided in this patch.
    6. Make a copy of <ArcIMS Installation Directory>/locales/FeatureServer/aimsfs_root.res to aimsfs_root.res.sp2
    7. Replace <ArcIMS Installation Directory>/locales/FeatureServer/aimsfs_root.res with the new file provided in this patch.
    8. Start the ArcIMS Application Server, ArcIMS Monitor, and ArcIMS Tasker(in that order) or use the script <ArcIMS Installation Directory>/qs_scripts/start_arcims.

    How to identify which Service Pack is installed

    Windows only
    To check for the presence of Quick Fixes, for each file examine the unique identification information provided (right click, properties, version tab, item name, QFE Version). With only a few exceptions, all files modified as part of a QFE distribution can be uniquely identified in this manner.

    The identification string for this Patch should read: QFE-IMS-90-CQ00257414

    Unix and Linux

    Any modified UNIX executables (or libraries) being sent out as part of a Quick Fix will return the unique identification number for that fix when checked with the "what" command for UNIX or the "strings" command for Linux. For example, to display the identification string for this Service Pack on UNIX, type:

    %what $AIMSHOME/ext/FeatureServer/aimsfs.dll | grep QFE


    Patch Updates
    Check the Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this patch will be posted here.

    • 02-01-2005:Correction of typo in path for placement of Windows file.

    Getting Help
    Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this patch. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.

Download ID:945

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