Patches and updates
ArcIMS 9.0 Service Pack 2
A CD of this Service Pack is now available for users who experience difficulties downloading the Service Pack from the web site. Simply fill out the Request a Service Pack CD order form.
Before installing this Patch, we recommend installing ArcSDE 9.0 Service Pack 2 on your ArcSDE server. Also, make sure you have write access to your ArcIMS installation location and have permission to stop ArcIMS Services.
- Download ArcIMS90sp2.msp. (73 MB).
- From your Services control panel, stop the ArcIMS Tasker, ArcIMS Monitor, and ArcIMS Application Server (in that order). Also stop any other ArcIMS services that you have running, for instance, the Z3950 Connector. If the ArcIMS services are not stopped, the install may prompt for a reboot when finished.
- Double-click ArcIMS90sp2.msp to start the install process. This executable will take some time to examine your current ArcIMS install during the initializing stage. If double clicking on the MSP file does not start the Service Pack installation, you can run the Service Pack manually by using the following command:
msiexec.exe /p [location of service pack]\ArcIMS90sp2.msp REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus
- When Setup starts, follow the instructions on your screen.
- After the Setup has finished you will need to run the ArcIMS Post Install.
TOMCAT USERS ONLY: Stop the Tomcat service from your Services control panel then navigate to \webapps. If any of the following directories and files exist, please cut and paste them to a back-up location prior to running the Post Install. These must be removed from the webapps directory. Remember to replace any customized files after running the post-install with the backed-up/original files.
To run the Post Install, navigate to Start > Programs > ArcGIS > ArcIMS > ArcIMS Post Install. Refer to the ArcIMS Install Guide, Step 3b, for more information regarding running the Post Install.
- In the Post Install, choose the Custom Install Option
- Choose ArcIMS Configuration
- Choose Web Server – Servlet Engine Configuration
Note: If your Web Server is not available as a selection in the Post Installation, choose the option “I will manually configure my Web server - servlet engine” and follow the instructions found in the ArcIMS Installation Guide to manually re-configure your Web server/servlet engine. If you have configured your Web server for ArcIMS Metadata Explorer or Service Administrator, you will need to re-deploy them using the updated war files. - Choose ArcIMS JRE Configuration for Manager
In the ArcIMS JRE Configuration dialog no changes are necessary, simply keep the defaults and click Next. Uncheck all other options.
- Follow the prompts as explained in the ArcIMS Installation Guide and finish the Post Installation.
- If using the jspsamples and/or jspviewer samples, undeploy the associated war files and follow the instructions in the <ArcIMS Install Location>\Samples\Java\readme_samples.pdf file to re-deploy them.
- The post install will start the ArcIMS Application Server, ArcIMS Monitor and ArcIMS Tasker services. You may need to restart any additional ArcIMS services that may have been stopped for the install.
- Download the appropriate compressed tar file for your platform:
- AIX - ims90-sp2-aix.tar.Z (113 MB)
- HP-UX - ims90-sp2-hp.tar.Z (104 MB)
- LINUX - ims90-sp2-linux.tar.Z (86 MB)
- SOLARIS - ims90-sp2-sun.tar.Z (93 MB)
- AIX - ims90-sp2-aix.tar.Z (113 MB)
- Installation instructions on UNIX and Linux
- Stop the ArcIMS Tasker, ArcIMS Monitor, and ArcIMS Application Server (in that order) or use the script $AIMSHOME/qs_scripts/stop_arcims.
- For AIX only, as root, run the slibclean command:
- Copy the compressed service pack file (.Z file) to your AIMSHOME:
%cp ims90-sp2-<platform>.tar.Z $AIMSHOME/.
%cp ims90-sp2-gis-sun.tar.Z <Path to the ArcGIS ArcMap Server installation directory>/arcgis/.
(ArcMap Server on Solaris only)
- Uncompress the service pack file ims90-sp2-<platform>.tar.Z to get ims90-sp2-<platform>.tar :
%uncompress ims90-sp2-<platform>.tar.Z
%uncompress ims90-sp2-gis-sun.tar.Z
(ArcMap Server on Solaris only)
- Extract ims90-sp2-<platform>.tar to get ims90-sp2-<platform>_extract.tar and ims90-sp2_filelist.<platform>
%tar xvf ims90-sp2-<platform>.tar
%tar -xvf ims90-sp2-<platform>.tar
(AIX only)
%tar xvf ims90-sp2-gis-sun.tar
(ArcMap Server on Solaris only)
- Backup your original files. This script or command will create ims90-sp2-<platform>_bak.tar which contains the ArcIMS 9.0 files the service pack will replace:
AIX:%tar -cf ims90-sp2-ibm_bak.tar -L
Linux:%tar cf ims90-sp2-linux_bak.tar -T ims90-sp2_filelist.linux
Solaris:%tar cf ims90-sp2-sun_bak.tar -I ims90-sp2_filelist.sun
- Check that your backup tar was created correctly and can be read:
%tar tvf ims90-sp2-<platform>_bak.tar
%tar -tvf ims90-sp2-<platform>_bak.tar
- Extract the ims90-sp2-<platform>_extract.tar:
%tar xvf ims90-sp2-<platform>_extract.tar
%tar -xvf ims90-sp2-<platform>_extract.tar
- After the tar extraction has finished, you will need to follow the uninstallation procedure found the in ArcIMS Install guide to remove deployed ESRI war files from your web-server/servlet engine. The war files that have been updated are:
- arcimsservletconnector.war
- esriadmin.war
- metadataexplorer.war
- jspsamples.war
- jspviewer.war
- arcimsservletconnector.war
- Run the ArcIMS Post Installation to re-deploy the arcimsservletconnector.war, esriadmin.war, or metadataexplorer.war. If your Web Server is not available as a selection in the Post Installation, please follow the manual instructions found in the ArcIMS Installation Guide to re-configure your web-server/servlet engine and to re-deploy ESRI war files.
- If using the jspsamples.war and jspviewer.war files, follow the instructions in the $AIMSHOME/Samples/Java/readme_samples.pdf file for deployment.
- If using the htmlviewer from Samples, you will need to update the htmlviewer in your website.
%cp -r $AIMSHOME/Samples/Viewers/htmlviewer <Path to Website>/htmlviewer
See your ArcIMS Install Guide for further information on the htmlviewer. - Start the ArcIMS Application Server, ArcIMS Monitor, and ArcIMS Tasker (in that order) or use the script $AIMSHOME/qs_scripts/start_arcims.
- Download the ArcMap Server service pack tar file:
- ims90-sp2-gis-sun.tar.Z (16 MB)
- ims90-sp2-gis-sun.tar.Z (16 MB)
- Copy the compressed service pack file (.Z file) to your ArcMap Server arcgis directory:
%cp ims90-sp2-gis-sun.tar.Z <Path to the ArcGIS ArcMap Server installation directory>/arcgis/.
- Uncompress the file:
%uncompress ims90-sp2-gis-sun.tar.Z
- Extract ims90-sp2-gis-sun.tar to get ims90-sp2-sun-gis_extract.tar and ims90-sp2-gis_filelist.sun
%tar xvf ims90-sp2-gis-sun.tar
- Backup your original files. This script or command will create ims90-sp2-gis-sun_bak.tar which contains the ArcMap Server 9.0 files the service pack will replace:
%tar cf ims90-sp2-gis-sun_bak.tar -I ims90-sp2-gis_filelist.sun
- Check that your backup tar was created correctly and can be read:
%tar tvf ims90-sp2-gis-sun_bak.tar
- Extract the ims90-sp2-sun-gis_extract.tar:
%tar xvf ims90-sp2-sun-gis_extract.tar
How to identify which Service Pack is installed
- Unix and Linux
Any modified UNIX executables (or libraries) being sent out as part of a Quick Fix will return the unique identification number for that fix when checked with the "what" command for UNIX or the "strings" command for Linux. For example, to display the identification string for this Service Pack on UNIX, type:
%what $AIMSHOME/ext/MetadataServer/aimsmd.dll | grep QFE
To find out what products are currently installed on your machine, download the ServicePackFinder.exe utility and run it from your local machine. This utility provides a report detailing which ArcGIS products are currently installed on your machine. The report also details which service packs have been installed. The report is displayed when the utility is run and a servicepack.txt log file is created in your temp folder. The Service Pack Finder utility searches for the following ArcGIS products.
- ArcGIS Desktop (ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo) Includes the ArcReader fixes for the ArcReader FEATURE.
- ArcGIS Desktop Developer Kit
- ArcGIS Engine Runtime
- ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit
- ArcGIS Server
- ArcGIS Server .NET ADF
- ArcGIS Server Java ADF
- ArcGIS Tutorial Data
- ArcReader standalone
- ArcIMS
- ArcSDE
- ArcGIS Desktop (ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo) Includes the ArcReader fixes for the ArcReader FEATURE.
Service Pack Updates
Check the Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this patch will be posted here.- UPDATE 1/24/2005 - A security issue has been identified that could cause the Spatial Server to restart. You can help protect your ArcIMS site by installing the ArcIMS 9.0 SP2 GET_PROJECT tag patch. This issue affects sites that have installed ArcIMS 9.0 sp2. If you have installed ArcIMS 9.0.1, this issue has been resolved.
- UPDATE 12/21/2004 - Added the Service Pack CD ordering information.
- UPDATE 12/01/2004 - Updated the TOMCAT USERS install instructions in Step 5 under the Installing This Service Pack > on Windows section.
TOMCAT USERS ONLY: stop the Tomcat service from your Services control panel then navigate to <Tomcat Installation Directory>\webapps. If any of the following directories and files exist, delete them prior to running the Post Install. Remember to make backups of any customized files before deleting them!
TOMCAT USERS ONLY: Stop the Tomcat service from your Services control panel then navigate to \webapps. If any of the following directories and files exist, please cut and paste them to a back-up location prior to running the Post Install. These must be removed from the webapps directory. Remember to replace any customized files after running the post-install with the backed-up/original files.
Getting Help
Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this patch. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.
Download ID:909
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