Patches and updates

ArcIMS 4.0.1 Metadata Service Patch

Published: April 22, 2003


ESRI is pleased to announce this Metadata Service patch for ArcIMS 4.0.1. This patch addresses CQ00190046: "Private Docs returned for full text search even when role != metadata_browser_all". We highly recommend that customers download and install this patch at their earliest convenience.


%cd <installation_directory> (i.e. cd $AIMSHOME)

%uncompress qfe-ims-401-cq190164_<platform>.tar.Z

%tar xvf qfe-ims-401-cq190164_<platform>.tar

  • Verify that $AIMSHOME/ext/MetadataServer/aimsmd.dll was replaced with the patched version of this DLL provided in this QFE.
  • Navigate to $AIMSHOME/qs_scripts and run the start_arcims script
  • On Windows -

    1. From your Services control panel, stop the ArcIMS Tasker, ArcIMS Monitor, and ArcIMS Application Server (in that order).
    2. Download  (ZIP format, 336kb).
    3. Use WinZip to extract aimsmd.dll from
    4. Open your Windows Explorer and navigate to your <ArcIMS 4.0.1 install directory>\ArcIMS\Server\ext\MetadataServer. Make a copy of the file aimsmd.dll as aimsmd_401.dll.
    5. Replace aimsmd.dll located in <ArcIMS 4.0.1 install directory>\ArcIMS\Server\ext\MetadataServer with the patched version of this DLL provided in this QFE.
    6. Restart the ArcIMS Application Server, ArcIMS Monitor andArcIMS Tasker (in that order).

    Identifying QFE files on your machine
    UNIX and Linux
    Any modified UNIX executables (or libraries) being sent out as part of a Quick Fix will return the unique identification number for that fix when checked with the "what" command for UNIX and the "strings" command for Linux. For example, to display the identification string for this Patch on UNIX, type:

    %cd <directory where the patched file is located>

    %what <file name>| grep QFE


    To check for the presence of Quick Fixes, examine the unique identification information by a (right click, properties, version tab) action under Explorer. With only a few exceptions, all files modified as part of a QFE distribution can be uniquely identified in this manner. Under Windows 2000, select 'Product Version' under the 'Item name' column to see the unique identifier. The unique identifierfor this QFE is QFE-IMS-401-190164.

    Patch Updates
    Check the Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this patch will be posted here.

    Getting Help
    Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this patch. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.

Download ID:445

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