Patches and updates

ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 10 SP2 Patch 1

Published: May 31, 2011


This patch for ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 10 allows you to upload attachments for a job successfully via the web using the Workflow Manager Server Extension. This issue was introduced at 10 SP2 and occurs because the web API does not update the GUID and the last modified date of the attachment when uploaded. We have included a utility “RepairAttachmentsTools.exe” that will resolve this problem with previously added attachments.



We recommend that all ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 10 SP2 customers download and install this Patch, at their earliest convenience, to ensure the highest quality experience when working with ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 10.

Installing this Patch on Windows

Installation Steps

  • ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 10 SP 2 must be installed before you can install this Patch.

To Install:

  1. Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS Workflow Manager installation location, and that no one is accessing it.

  2. Download the Zip file and extract to a location where you have access to.

  3. Before running the EXE, stop ArcGIS Server services (ArcGIS Server Object Manager service).

    Job attachment not successfully uploaded 
    Job_attachment_not_uploaded.zip1.08 MB

  4. Double click the WMX Patch 5971.exe and follow instructions on your screen.

Download ID:1772

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