Patches and updates
ArcGIS Online Issues Addressed List - September 2016 Release
This page contains a list of issues addressed in the September 2016 Release of ArcGIS Online that were logged through Support Services.
Defect Number | Synopsis |
BUG-000097533 | A custom publisher role with all the privileges except for 'Viewall' is unable to view the item details of content shared by other users in the organization or public. |
BUG-000087627 | URL parameters utilized with ArcGIS Online web map URLs are not honored or applied on a variety of iOS and Android mobile devices. |
BUG-000097325 | Calculated numbers are repeated for each trade area, regardless of size. |
ENH-000097575 | The 'Advanced Search' hyperlink under 'Twitter Options' in the Public Information web application redirects to a twitter link that does not mention the correct operators for advanced search queries. |
BUG-000097020 | Gallery in ArcGIS Online does not honor the Ascending option for a group when Sorting is set to anything other than Title. |
BUG-000097322 | The description text is cut off at the right edge in the returned search result in ArcGIS Online. |
BUG-000094247 | Configured pop-up windows in the Story Map Journal template are displaced. |
BUG-000097718 | Unable to select a field when rotating symbols from a stream server in ArcGIS Online. |
BUG-000097657 | Bold formatting cannot be applied to non-English characters in the description panel of the Story Map Series application. |
BUG-000095609 | In the ArcGIS Online Basic Viewer template, the Bookmarks tool opens up and scrolls to the bottom of the bookmarks list by default. |
BUG-000097700 | Configuring both the Scale bar and Coordinate widgets in a Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS application causes the Add Data widget to search only in ArcGIS Online. |
BUG-000093274 | Labels disappear when editing is activated in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. |
BUG-000095267 | Point feature service does not display features over the area of New Zealand at some zoom scales in a webmap on ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS. |
BUG-000097295 | In ArcGIS Online, labeling many features may cause the browser to become unresponsive. |
BUG-000099018 | The Live Maps (Beta) application does not return tweets when the application is configured to use a keyword that has a hashtag. |
BUG-000095421 | The Story Map Journal bookmarks still appear on the map after clicking ?Back?, when there is more than one bookmark symbol. |
BUG-000093759 | ArcGIS Online logins count is displayed only for built-in ArcGIS logins and not for enterprise logins in the Apps Used section of the members report in ArcGIS Online. |
ENH-000095657 | Allow the option to turn layers on and off for an embedded web map. |
BUG-000097090 | Dates are exported as epoch time instead of a readable time when downloaded as a CSV, as a result of the Locate Incident operation of the Situation Awareness widget from Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. |
BUG-000097097 | The Search widget does not show attachments in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. |
BUG-000098104 | The Directions app shared publicly prompts for sign in when accessed through HTTP if the organization does not allow anonymous access. |
BUG-000099152 | A textured mesh scene service type does not display in the Simple Scene Viewer web app even though it shows in the scene viewer. |
BUG-000096329 | When renaming the field alias in the Geoprocessing widget of a web application, the change is not honored when clicking the OK button and exiting the widget editor. |
ENH-000097677 | Update the ArcGIS Online - Geocoding help documentation to state the defaulted World Geocode Service can be used to search for X and Y (Longitude and Latitude). |
BUG-000096404 | The swiped layer still shows pop-ups in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. |
ENH-000096368 | Update the message that is returned when an ArcGIS Online administrator attempts to publicly share a web map which contains content from other users in the organization |
BUG-000097297 | Instagram layer does not display any content in the Public Information application. |
BUG-000096706 | The default title of Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS widgets do not get translated to the language set in the ArcGIS Online account profile. |
BUG-000097126 | Adding a dynamic ArcGIS Server service to a web map, removing one of the layers, deselecting all layers, and printing, results in all deselected layers being printed. |
BUG-000097127 | Labels disappear when using the Edit widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. |
BUG-000097729 | Replicas created from feature services hosted in ArcGIS Online fail to hold 'Nullable, False' properties for fields other than the OBJECTID and GLOBALID in the CREATE TABLE statement of the replica. |
BUG-000097304 | The GeoForm app maintains previous submission's values in each field after adding points except for required fields and fields with default values. |
BUG-000097560 | After panning around the globe to make a full rotation, the 'Zoom to' function zooms to an incorrect location of the selected point in a point feature service. |
BUG-000089822 | In ArcGIS Online, the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Geoprocessing widget fails to execute the first time if the method for the input feature uses the 'Selecting a layer from the map' option, when the layer is turned off in the application. |
BUG-000097948 | The 'Export To' function is not available to public accounts in ArcGIS Online 4.2 (June, 2016 update). |
BUG-000097007 | When adding a map image layer in ArcGIS Online from a secured ArcGIS for Server service with credentials saved and the layer added to a web map, the layer does not load in the Crowdsource Reporter and Crowdsource Manager applications. |
BUG-000094721 | When creating a layer package and sharing it from ArcGIS for Desktop to ArcGIS Online, users and publishers cannot add items to Favorites if the package is shared by an administrator. |
BUG-000097049 | Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS applications zoom out automatically when the Find Location tool is activated. |
BUG-000098464 | A scene layer in the Cascade Story map template, if shared to organization or groups, does not draw. |
BUG-000098445 | Copied layers fail to load in the map viewer using Chrome version 52.0.2743.116. |
BUG-000097887 | Files stored in ArcGIS Online that are downloaded anonymously or with another organization do not have the number of downloads reflected in the Usage tab of the item details page. |
BUG-000097882 | The option, 'User will see a map marker when clicking the link', cannot be unselected when adding a section and editing using the 'Locate an address or place' option in the main stage actions of the Story Map Journal template. |
BUG-000097522 | Inconsistent results received when running the Enrich Layer analysis on point layers in ArcGIS Online. |
BUG-000090706 | Edits cannot be made to the time portion of a date field in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. |
BUG-000098727 | Adding a secure service to ArcGIS Online via My Content does not recognize auto-populated credentials stored in the browser. |
ENH-000098728 | Unable to delete the hosted services item from ArcGIS online created using rest api when there is invalid parameters. |
BUG-000096950 | When accessing the ArcGIS Online home page on a mobile browser, the items are always sorted in alphabetical order instead of number of views as specified in the settings. |
BUG-000098431 | Field help text and hints are not displayed if all layers are selected in step 3 of the GeoForm Builder tool. |
BUG-000098697 | The feature service is not created from a feature collection in ArcGIS Online when using Business Analyst or Community Analyst data. |
BUG-000097630 | The URL for a dynamic layer in the items details page is displayed or added incorrectly and leads to an invalid page. |
BUG-000097618 | In the GeoForm web app, using data in the, coordinates in a UTM south zone, cannot be entered manually in their native ArcMap format, and a point dropped in a southern UTM zone shows a negative Northing value. |
BUG-000096948 | Enriching layer in the Impact summary configurable application fails by running perpetually in a newly created ArcGIS Online organizational account and some existing ArcGIS Online Organizational accounts. |
BUG-000090207 | The Chart widget in Web AppBuilder produces chart for only the first 2000 records of the input hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online. |
BUG-000098019 | Some of the 2016/2021 Race and Hispanic Origin (Esri) category variables show inconsistent aliases and descriptions. |
BUG-000098558 | More than 1000 features can be added to the map viewer when uploading a GPX file. |
BUG-000098557 | Unvalidated redirect in |
BUG-000096935 | When configuring the Analysis widget with the Extract Data tool, the spinning wheel icon that displays to indicate the results are loading spins endlessly. |
BUG-000096936 | The note in the Analysis Widget configured with the Extract Data tool could be misleading. |
BUG-000098196 | Moving an application to a new folder from the item details page causes the saving of changes in the configuration screen to hang. |
ENH-000093196 | Provide the ability to share current extent URL in Basic web app template for other coordinate system than Web Mercator |
BUG-000098243 | Hyperlink text in pop-ups display differently in the web map viewer and when embedded in a website. |
BUG-000094801 | Time-aware applications do not show labels until users pan, zoom, or click on the time slider. |
BUG-000093639 | Titles are not displayed in pop-ups created from the result of a query in a Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS application accessed with a browser with a small screen. |
BUG-000096268 | The feature layer disappears from the map when clicking the Incident Analysis widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, if a tab is added to the widget during the configuration. |
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