Patches and updates
ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor 9.3.1 Service Pack 2
It is recommended that all ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor (MOLE) 9.3.1 customers download and install this Service Pack, at their earliest convenience, to ensure the highest quality experience when working with MOLE 9.3.1.
- ArcGIS Military Analyst SP2 and ArcGIS MOLE SP2 no longer support the Solaris platform due to reduced customer demand for that platform.
- ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor 9.3.1 or 9.3.1 Service Pack 1 must be installed before you can install Service Pack 2. Service Pack 2 is cumulative and contains the fixes from all previous 9.3.1 patches. If you have a previous patch installed, you may apply Service Pack 2 over it to update the required files.
Issues Addressed with this Service Pack
- NIM033447 - Addressed editing issues in the Mole Symbol Editor with App6 Force Element Graphic layers.
- NIM052048 - The MOLE Marker Symbols for TG Points do not render text modifier text. It is the same code for MOLE lines and fill symbols.
- NIM053712 - MOLE text modifier displays as black instead of using the affiliation color when not using fill.
- NIM053726 - Some MOLE symbols display internal icons as black instead of using affiliation color when not using fill.
- NIM055759 - In Dummy Minefield, dynamic displays without the H and N modifiers listed in 2525B Change 2.
- NIM052213 - HQ and/or Task Force modifiers only display with certain affiliations for MOLE MOOTW symbols.
- NIM057266 - MOLE tactical line graphic Infiltration Lane ('G*G*OLI--****X') renders incorrectly.
- NIM057226 - Memory leak on Zoom with Specific Tactical Graphics.
- NIM053499 - MOLE Tactical graphic displays incorrectly when edited within a rotated frame.
- NIM052816 – MOLE TG boundary symbols are misplaced.
- NIM053115 – When reference scale is set in a map document, the size of the labels follow the reference scale instead of the Force Element symbols.
- NIM054225 - Adding MOLE graphics to ArcGlobe and then refreshing or panning in/zooming repeatedly causes a memory leak that crashes ArcGlobe.
Issues Addressed in Service Pack 1
- (NIM039780, NIM013347) - Fixed several symbology label display issues in ArcGlobe.
- (NIM043248, NIM042105, NIM043453) - Fixed several symbology display issues related to the use of custom symbol styles.
- (NIM046052, NIM046586) - Fixed several symbology display issues encountered when switching between coordinate systems projections.
- NIM039925 - Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented ArcGIS Engine GlobeControl applications from loading ArcGlobe documents (.3dd) containing MOLE data.
- NIM044667 - Fixed an issue with the last segment of some tactical graphics disappearing when the layer size was set to a large value.
- NIM046337 - Fixed an issue in ArcGlobe where draped symbols did not appear north of the 45th latitude.
- NIM040925 - Fixed an issue with improper symbology display when metadata specifying symbol standard type was absent.
Files updated or added by this Service Pack
- <ArcGIS installation directory>\ArcGIS\bin directory:
- moleControls9.ocx
- moleCore.mdb/gdb
- DracoCore.dll
- MoleCore2.dll
- MoleDDD.dll
- MoleSymbols.dll
- MoleTacticalRenderers2.dll
- MoleUICommands.dll
- moleCore.mdb
Installing the Service Pack
- Download the ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor file to a location other than the installation folder:
ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor MOLE931sp2.msp 10 MB - Make sure you have write access to the <ArcGIS installation directory>\ArcGIS directory and that no one is accessing the directory.
Note:The default installation directory is C:\Program Files\ArcGIS - Double-click MOLE931sp2.msp to start the installation process.
- When Setup starts, follow the instructions on your screen.
Note: Make sure you install ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor Service Pack 2 as the ArcGIS application owner, do not install it as the ROOT user.
- Download the ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor file to a location other than the installation folder:
ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor Linux MOLE931-SP2-Linux.tar 29 MB - Make sure you have write access to the <ArcGIS installation directory>/ArcGIS directory and that no one is accessing the directory.
- Extract the tar file MOLE931-SP2-Linux.tar by typing:
% tar -xvf MOLE931-SP2-Linux.tar
- As the user who installed the ESRI application with which you intend to use MOLE, start the installation by typing:
% ./applypatch
How to identify which Service Pack is installed
- Windows
To find out what ArcGIS products are currently installed on your machine, download the PatchFinder931.exe
To find out what ArcGIS products are currently installed on your machine, download and extract the PatchFinder utility and run it from your local machine.
Check the Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional patches.
Getting Help
Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing this Service Pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.
Download ID:1634
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