Patches and updates

ArcGIS Military Analyst 9.3.1 Service Pack 1

Published: December 14, 2009


ESRI announces ArcGIS Military Analyst 9.3.1 Service Pack 1. This Service Pack contains several improvements and maintenance fixes for Military Analyst 9.3.1.


It is recommended that all Military Analyst (MA) 9.3.1 customers download and install this Service Pack to ensure the highest quality experience when working with MA 9.3.1.


Issues Addressed with this Service Pack

  • NIM035959 - Fixed an issue with cancelling the execution of the “Load MA Catalog” GP tool while loading Raster datasets.
  • (NIM038360, NIM046887) - Fixed an issue with the calculation of Geodesic Rhumblines at certain longitudes.
  • (NIM043110, NIM045675) - Fixed an issue encountered when using the GeoSymRenderer in Unix.
  • NIM043172 - Fixed an issue encountered when using the “Radial Line of Sight” GP tool/script with datasets with “World Azimuthal Equidistant” projection.
  • NIM046325 - Disabled the unsupported “Use Uniform Renderer” option in ArcGlobe.

Files updated or added by this Service Pack

The release installs the following files to the

<ArcGIS installation directory>\ArcGIS\bin directory:

  • MACore.dll
  • MAGeometry.dll
  • MAGeoSymRenderer.dll
  • MALayerUI.dll
  • Rules

<ArcGIS installation directory>\ArcGIS\ArcToolbox\Scripts


<ArcGIS installation directory>\ArcGIS\Help

  • military_analyst.chm

<ArcGIS installation directory>\ArcGIS\Documentation

  • install_and_get_started_defense.pdf


Installing the Service Pack


  1. Download the ArcGIS Military Analyst file to a location other than the installation folder:

    ArcGIS Military Analyst  
    MilitaryAnalyst931sp1.msp 5 MB

  2. Make sure you have write access to the <ArcGIS installation directory>\ArcGIS directory and that no one is accessing the directory.

    Note:The default installation directory is C:\Program Files\ArcGIS

  3. Double-click MilitaryAnalyst931sp1.msp to start the installation process.

  4. When Setup starts, follow the instructions on your screen.

Linux or Solaris

  1. Note: Make sure you install Service Pack 1 as the ArcGIS application owner, do not install it as the ROOT user.

  2. Download the ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor file to a location other than the installation folder:

    ArcGIS Military Analyst Linux  
    MA931-SP1-Linux.tar 10 MB
    ArcGIS Military Analyst Solaris  
    MA931-SP1-Solaris.tar 5 MB

  3. Make sure you have write access to the <ArcGIS installation directory>/ArcGIS directory and that no one is accessing the directory.

  4. Extract the tar file MA931-SP1-<platform>.tar by typing:
    % tar -xvf MA931-SP1-<platform>.tar
  5. As the user who installed the ESRI application with which you intend to use Military Analyst, start the installation by typing:
    % ./applypatch
    This will start the dialog for the menu-driven installation procedure. Default selections are noted in parentheses ( ). To quit the installation procedure, type 'q' at any time.


How to identify which Service Pack is installed

  • Windows

    To find out what ArcGIS products are currently installed on your machine, copy the PatchFinder931.exe utility and run it from your local machine. This utility provides a report detailing which ArcGIS products and which service packs have been installed. The report is displayed when the utility is run and a servicepack.txt log file is created in your temp folder. The Service Pack Finder utility searches for the following ArcGIS products.

    • ArcGIS ArcReader
    • ArcGIS Desktop (ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo) Includes the ArcReader fixes for the ArcReader FEATURE.
    • ArcGIS Desktop Developer Kit for the Microsoft .NET Framework, VB6, VBA and Visual C++
    • ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit for C++, the Java Platform, the Microsoft .NET Framework, VB6 and Visual C++
    • ArcGIS Engine Runtime
    • ArcGIS Help System for the Java Platform
    • ArcGIS Image Server
    • ArcGIS Military Analyst
    • ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor
    • ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .NET Framework
    • ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform
    • ArcGIS Server Web ADF Runtime for the Microsoft .NET Framework
    • ArcIMS
    • ArcIMS Web ADF for the Microsoft .NET Framework
    • ArcIMS Web ADF for the Java Platform
    • ArcSDE


    To find out what ArcGIS products are currently installed on your machine, download and extract the PatchFinder utility and run it from your local machine. This utility provides a report detailing which ArcGIS products and which servicepacks have been installed. The PatchFinder utility searches for thefollowing ArcGIS products.

    • ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit for C++
    • ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit for the Java Platform
    • ArcGIS Engine Runtime
    • ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform
    • ArcGIS Help System for the Java Platform
    • ArcGIS Military Analyst
    • ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor
    • ArcIMS
    • ArcIMS Web ADF for the Java Platform
    • ArcInfo Workstation
    • ArcReader
    • ArcSDE
    • Extract the tar file by typing:

      % tar xvf PatchFinder.tar

      Run the utility by typing:

      % ./PatchFinder



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Getting Help

Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing this Service Pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.

Download ID:1581

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