Patches and updates
ArcGIS Desktop/ArcInfo 8.1.2 Service Pack 1
ESRIĀ® is pleased to announce ArcGIS Desktop/ArcInfo 8.1.2 Service Pack 1. We recommend that customers download and install this Service Pack at their earliest convenience. This Service Pack contains several improvements and maintenance fixes. It deals specifically with the issues listed below under Issues Addressed with this Service Pack.
Issues Addressed with this Service Pack
ArcGIS Desktop
CQ00113777: Write solver for partial establishment of flow direction.
CQ00143970: Identify does not show a domain's description from a related table (only shows code).
CQ00150545: Network 'Display Arrows' fail to draw after you define a Coordinate System.
CQ00150626: When exporting a map labled in Japanese into the Illustrator file, the Japanese characters dissappear.
CQ00152359: When using an arcmap template or map doc without a username and password saved in it, the app will crash when a user attempts a copy and paste from one feature class to another.
CQ00153281: (CQ00159178) Add support for CMYK color export to PDF.
Currently, all colors in an exported PDF are being exported as RGB colours. This leads to serious colour shifts when the user is expecting CMYK values to be the same as those specified in ArcMap.CQ00155055: EMF picture fill symbol with raster elements not rendered as raster on output.
The Unique Values renderer fails and produces odd results in the EMF file when trying to clip the symbol and fill the polygons with a pattern tile.CQ00155890: Reconcile fatals on missing junction feature.
CQ00157960: Adding environment variables may cause ArcMap to Crash immediately when double clicked from the desktop or selected from the program menu.
CQ00158029: Graphs and other inserted EMF graphics may dissappear after exporting to EPS file.
CQ00159579: Reprojecting a data frame that cotains annotation and leaderlines distorts the leaderlines.
CQ00159932: The attribute values in their database that are associated to a coded value domain WITH default values are automatically switching back to their default values when using the Shared Edit tool.
CQ00159934: ITopologicalOperator::Simplify doesn't work for some Bezier Curves.
CQ00161137: When simple features are part of the selection set and the Connect command is executed, ArcMap will crash.
ArcInfo Workstation
CQ00148608: Form menus brought up on new threads more than 1536 times hang the session, when more than 25750 times give FORRTL error.
CQ00154447: Layerimport is failing to import data when one of the layers columns is defined as NOT NULL (primary key).
CQ00156416: CONTROLPOINTS Interface crashes after number of "GDI objects" reaches 10,000.
CQ00158508: On Windows XP, When starting arc, this message is displayed: AML error starting arc, line 35 of arc.aml
Files Installed in this Service Pack
- Under the ArcGIS Desktop installation bin folder:
- DesktopAdmin.exe
- AfCore.dll
- Aidriver.dll
- DisplayLib.dll
- Export.dll
- FeatureDB.dll
- FeatureLayer.dll
- Garcia.dll
- GarciaUI.dll
- Geometry.dll
- GraphicElements.dll
- LayerUI.dll
- LayoutTools.dll
- Neteng80.dll
- Network.dll
- PDFDriver.dll
- PpdParse.dll
- PsDriver.dll
- Symbology.dll
- Topology.dll
- UtilityNetworkAnalysisUI.dll
- EsriCore.olb
- DesktopAdmin.exe
- Under the ArcInfo Workstation installation bin folder:
- arc.exe
- arcedit.exe
- arcplot.exe
- grid.exe
- register.exe
- aiaeapi.dll
- aiapapi.dll
- aiarcapi.dll
- aigrdapi.dll
- arc.exe
Installing the Service Pack
Since this Service Pack replaces several ArcGIS Desktop/ArcInfo 8.1.2 files, ArcGIS Desktop/ArcInfo 8.1.2 must be installed before you can install this Service Pack.
- Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS Desktop or ArcInfo Workstation installation location, and that no one is using ArcGIS Desktop/ArcInfo.
- Download the appropriate files to a location other than your ArcGIS Desktop or ArcInfo Workstation installation location:
ArcGIS Desktop Aidt-812-Sp1.exe 6 MB ArcInfo Workstation Aiws-812-Sp1.exe 31 MB - Double-click the downloaded file to start the install process.
- When Setup starts, follow the instructions on your screen.
NOTE: This patch must be installed on the server and all client installations if shared installations exist.
Service Pack Updates
Check Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this Service Pack will be posted here.
Getting Help
Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this patch. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.
Download ID:146
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