Patches and updates
ArcGIS 9.3 (Desktop & Engine) patch for Microsoft Virtual Earth ArcGIS Online Premium Service
ESRI® announces the ArcGIS 9.3 (Desktop & Engine) for Microsoft® Virtual Earth™ ArcGIS Online Premium Service. The Microsoft Virtual Earth Maps premium service collection is a new offering from ArcGIS Online. It enables you to use the Microsoft Virtual Earth Roads, Aerial and Hybrid web map services in ArcMap 9.3. When accessed, each of these services appears as a separate layer in ArcMap. These services are not currently supported by ArcGIS Publisher or ArcReader. Developers can also use the services in ArcGIS Engine-based solutions at 9.3. This patch is required in order to use the Microsoft Virtual Earth Maps premium service collection for Desktop 9.3 and Engine 9.3. You will also need to purchase a subscription to this premium service or have obtained a free evaluation to the service. For more information about the service and obtaining a subscription or evaluation, please see the ArcGIS Online Premium Services web page.
You can install this patch before or after getting your subscription or evaluation. You do not need to install this patch if you won't be using the Microsoft Virtual Earth Maps premium service collection. The patch is not required for the USA Prime Imagery collection, which is another premium service offered by ArcGIS Online.
Files Installed in this Patch
- Under the \ArcGIS\Bin folder:
- ArcGlobe.exe (Desktop installation only)
- ArcWebSupport.dll
- Globe.dll
- GlobeCoreLib.dll
- GlobeCoreUI.dll (Desktop installation only)
- GlobeDisplay.dll
- GlobeLayers.dll
- GMxTools.dll (Desktop installation only)
- MapServerLayer.dll
- MapServerLayerUI.dll (Desktop installation only)
- RasterDB.dll
- ArcGlobe.exe (Desktop installation only)
Installing this Patch
ArcGIS 9.3 must be installed before you can install this Patch.
- Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location, and that no one is using ArcGIS.
- Download ArcGIS-93-MVEAGS-Patch.exe to a location other than your ArcGIS installation location.
- Double-click ArcGIS-93-MVEAGS-Patch.exe to start the install process.
- When Setup starts, follow the instructions on your screen.
- After the patch is successfully installed, your ArcGIS installation will be able to access Microsoft Virtual Earth Maps premium services. To access the services, go to the ArcGIS Online Premium Services web page referenced in the email confirmation you received when you got your subscription or evaluation, and launch either the map document (MXD), layer file (LYR), ArcGlobe document (3DD), or globe layer (LYR) from that page by clicking on them. At that point you'll be prompted to login with the ESRI Global Account for which the subscription or evaluation has been enabled.
Optional Utility
- When you launch the Microsoft Virtual Earth MXD, LYR, or 3DD file for the first time and are prompted to login, the ESRI Global Account user name and password that you give is stored in your Windows system registry in an encrypted form. In this way, you won't need to login the next time you open a map or layer containing any of the Microsoft Virtual Earth services. As part of this patch we provide an optional utility called resetPremiumUserName that you can use to clear this encrypted user name and password out of your Windows system registry if you need to.
To install this utility, download resetPremiumUserName.exe and save it to any folder other than the ArcGIS installation folder.
To use this utility, just double-click it. No dialog or other confirmation appears when you launch the utility, but the next time you open a map, globe, or layer containing any of the Microsoft Virtual Earth services, you'll be prompted to login in again, at which point you can enter the ESRI Global Account you now wish to use.
There are two scenarios where you would use this utility when you are using Microsoft Virtual Earth in ArcGIS Desktop or in an ArcGIS Engine application:
- When you are retiring your computer or giving it to another user and you want to make sure that your encrypted ESRI Global Account ID is cleared out of the system registry.
- If you want to use a different ESRI Global Account to access the Microsoft Virtual Earth services than the valid one you are currently using.
Installation Notes:
- For information regarding deploying the patch using deployment software such as SMS or Group Policy, refer to the ArcGIS 9.3 Enterprise Deployment whitepaper.
Additional Notes
- This patch is not intended for ArcGIS Explorer and does not work with it. ArcGIS Explorer users should download ArcGIS Explorer build 500 in order to use the Microsoft Virtual Earth Maps premium service. A subscription or free evaluation is also required in order to use this premium service in ArcGIS Explorer.
- Maps, globes or layer files that you create containing Microsoft Virtual Earth service layers can be opened by other ArcGIS 9.3 users but the service layers will only appear in the Table Of Contents if they have this patch installed, and they will also need their own valid subscription or free evaluation to the services in order to draw these layers. When they open the file they will be prompted to login with their ESRI Global Account ID that has been enabled for their subscription or evaluation. If they have the patch installed but don't have a valid login, they will have to press Cancel on the login dialog and the Microsoft Virtual Earth service layers will therefore appear broken in the Table Of Contents. Remember that when you create a map, globe or layer file containing Microsoft Virtual Earth service layers, the user name and password you used to login to your subscription or evaluation is not stored in the map document.
If someone using ArcGIS 9.3 who doesn't have this patch installed opens a file containing Microsoft Virtual Earth service layers, the service layers won't be present in the Table Of Contents, and they won't be prompted to login.
If you create a map or globe containing Microsoft Virtual Earth service layers and then use the File > Save A Copy command to save a copy of the map so it can be opened in a previous version of ArcGIS, the service layers won't be present in the Table Of Contents of the copy of your map that is saved. Virtual Earth service layers are not supported in ArcGIS 9.2 and earlier.
Patch Updates
Check Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this Patch will be posted here.
How to identify which Patch is installed
To check for the presence of a Patch, for each file examine the File version information (right click, properties, version tab). With only a few exceptions, all files modified as part of a Patch distribution can be uniquely identified in this manner. The File version for this Patch should read:
Getting Help
To get help about using Virtual Earth in ArcGIS Desktop, please see "Using Microsoft Virtual Earth in ArcGIS Desktop" .
Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing this Patch. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.
Download ID:1438
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