Patches and updates
AML updates for 1997 and 1998 TIGER format and DOCUMENT.AML
The UPDATE97.AML will change the definitions for several items in the TYPE 3, TYPE A and TYPE C associated INFO attribute tables after TIGERARC has converted a Tiger '97 data set.
The UPDATE98.AML will change the definitions for several items in the TYPE 3, TYPE A, TYPE S and TYPE C associated INFO attribute tables after TIGERARC has converted a Tiger '98 data set.
The DOCUMENT.AML is used to create and access geo_dataset documentation files, proposed as a standard for use in the USGS Water Resources Division. The documentation file is created as a combination of INFO and free-format text files that are managed as INFO files to ensure Export/Import translation.
Supporting Files
- DOCUMENT.AML (UNIX format) - TAR - 679 kb
- 1998 AML Update for TIGER Format - AML - 11 kb
- 1997 AML Update for TIGER Format - AML - 7 kb
Download ID:635
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