Write permission is required when creating a one-way replica.
Currently, a requirement for creating replicas is that the user creating the replica be granted write access on the data.
This should not be a requirement for one-way replicas.
Using ArcCatalog, temporarily grant write access on the data to the user creating the replica and have the user create the replica.
- Connect to the database as the data owner.
- Right-click on the data that is to be replicated > Privileges.
- Type the user's name that is to replicate the data and check SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
- Click OK to apply these privileges.
- Once the replica is created, revoke the write access by right-clicking on the data as the data owner > Privileges > type the user's name > only check SELECT > click OK.
Synchronization of data changes and schema changes subsequently succeed without the write permission.