Windows Installer fails when attempting to access the location store of the roaming profile

Last Published: April 26, 2020


Esri Maps for Office does not install on a system where the local profile is stored on a network share from a remote system. In the case of a roaming profile, Windows Installer generates the following error:

"Could not access network location \\<network shared>\AppData\Roaming\Esri Maps."


Windows Installer cannot write to a network shared directory.


Windows Installer expects the local profile to be stored in the default location:


Restore the local profile and proceed to install Esri Maps for Office. Once completed, change the value for the AppData Registry key back to the shared network drive.

  1. Go to the Registry Editor and navigate to:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

    Click on the AppData registry key and set the Data path to the default directory:

  2. Install Esri Maps for Office.
  3. Return to the Registry Editor and navigate to the registry key location specified in Step 1. Set the value of the AppData Registry key back to the network shared directory:
    \\<network shared>\AppData\Roaming

  4. Launch Microsoft Excel. The software generates a template file in the shared directory, indicating it is writing to the new profile location.

Article ID: 000012281

  • ArcGIS for Office Prev

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