Windows 7 installation workaround install issue with Business Analyst

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to circumvent a known Windows Installer issue when installing ArcGIS Business Analyst on the Windows 7 operating system. Errors are encountered when the program tries to install files 2GB or larger in size.

This affects some of the USA Geocoding Service files such as Address_Points.lox, Street_Addresses.lox, and the optional ZIP4.lox.


A workaround for this problem is to select the 'Custom Install' installation option. It is possible to choose not to install the 'USA Geocoding Service' files during the initial installation, and then manually copy the affected files later.

  1. For Business Analyst 9.3.x, insert DVD #2 and use Windows Explorer to browse the contents and double-click on the file Setup.exe.

    For the Business Analyst 9.2 version, insert DVD #1 to locate the file Setup.exe on the disk.
  2. Proceed through the installation as instructed until reaching the 'Select Installation Type' screen. Select 'Custom Install' and then click 'Next'.

    [O-Image] select installation type
  3. Under Business Analyst Data, in the USA Geocoding Service Data and ZIP+4 Geocoding Data features, select the 'Entire feature will be unavailable' option. Click 'Next'.

    [O-Image] select feature1
    [O-Image] select feature2
  4. A warning screen will appear, which is expected. Click 'Next' again and finish the installation and data licensing as per the standard installation instructions.

    [O-Image] warning
  5. Insert the ArcGIS Business Analyst 9.3.x DVD #3 and copy this folder: \ArcGIS\Business Analyst\Data\USA Geocoding Service.
  6. Paste the folder copied in Step #5 into the following folder on the hard drive:

    C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\Data\

    This path may differ if a path other than the default path was chosen during the initial installation.

  7. Open the Business Analyst.mxd file from either the shortcut located on the Desktop or by going to Start > Program Files > ArcGIS > Business Analyst.
  8. Click on the Business Analyst drop-down menu and select Preferences.
  9. Select the Dataset tab and confirm the Address Locators section has USA Geocoding Service listed.

    [O-Image] dataset tab1

Article ID: 000010770

  • ArcGIS Business Analyst Desktop

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