Frequently asked question

Why is an 'Administrator permissions are recommended for running Visual Studio 2005 SP1' dialog box returned when using Windows Vista?

Last Published: April 25, 2020


[O-Image] AdministratorPermissionsAreRecommended

Without Administrative permissions Visual Studio is not able to write to the hard drive outside of your specific user account privileges. This severely limits what can be done to build custom ArcGIS based applications.

It is necessary to have local PC Administrator privileges to develop ArcGIS custom applications using Visual Studio 2005 on the Windows Vista operating system.

If an administrator login is available, use that account.

If only a limited user account is available but with administrator privileges, Visual Studio 2005 can be run as an administrator by performing the following steps:
1. Click the Windows button.
2. Navigate to the location of the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 program.
3. Right-click on the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 program icon. Select 'Run as administrator'.
[O-Image] StartMenuRightClickRunAsAdministrator2

Article ID: 000009409

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