Frequently asked question

Why doesn't the layer name change after renaming a feature class in the geodatabase?

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The reason a layer name does not change after renaming a feature class is because the layer name is only changed when the feature class is changed and the layer alias is modified. As a result, the layer alias must also be changed to the new name of the feature class for the layer to be displayed with the new feature class name.

Sample workflow

1. Create a feature class (NAME1) from an sde export file by using the command:

sdeimport -o create

2. In ArcCatalog, register NAME1 with the geodatabase.
3. In ArcCatalog, rename NAME1 to NAME2.
4. Add NAME2 as a layer in ArcMap. (Note that the layer still displays as NAME1.)
5. To correct this, change the layer alias to NAME2 to match the feature class.

Article ID: 000011538

  • ArcMap

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