Why does the Desktop Administrator not show my newly registered ESRI software or extensions?
Last Published: April 25, 2020
The license manager is set to reference a specific .lic license file, rather than the folder in which all of the license files are located.
1. To correct the license folder location, open License Manager tools at Start > Programs > ArcGIS > License Manager (9.x) > License Manager Tools.
2. Select the 'Configure Using Services' radio button, and select the 'Configure Services' tab.
Ensure that the 'Path to License File' is set to the directory containing the .lic license files (typically, C:\Program Files\ESRI\License\arcgis9x) and not to a specific license file.
3. Go to the 'Start/Stop/ReRead' Tab, and select 'Stop Server', then 'Start Server', then 'Re-Read License File'.
Article ID:000009787
ArcMap 9 x
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