Frequently asked question

Why are there missing features in some categories in StreetMap Premium?

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Some categories for StreetMap Premium feature classes are defined in data dictionaries without features being present for those categories.
  • Data for those categories is not present in the sources from HERE, TomTom, etc., used to create the StreetMap Premium products released by Esri.
  • It simplifies the management and release process to keep those potential categories present in the data dictionaries, rather than remove categories for which data is not present in a specific geographic area orĀ version. For example, for code 9709: "Public Transit Stop" in the StreetMap Premium HERE products, the data for that code is not available in the reference source, even though the code exists in the data dictionary.
Check for the desired data inĀ alternate sources. For instance, if the data are missing in HERE products, check for those values in TomTom products.

Article ID: 000014755

  • ArcMap
  • ArcGIS Pro
  • ArcGIS StreetMap Premium

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