When editing the vertices of a feature, all other features in the feature class disappear

Last Published: April 26, 2020


When editing the vertices of a feature or after completing an editing session, all other features disappear from the map but remain in the attribute table. This problem can also occur when the user is attempting to edit digitized features.


The spatial index of a feature class encounters performance issues when users edit and add large numbers of features that differ in size from the existing features within a feature class. This is related to the spatial index of the feature class, as ArcGIS uses spatial indexes to improve the spatial query performance on a feature class.

Solution or Workaround

There are two possible solutions:

  • If in a file geodatabase, rebuild and restore the missing features from the edited feature class in a file geodatabase by deleting and re-creating the spatial index. For more information about rebuilding spatial indexes, refer to the following web help document, ArcGIS Help - Rebuild a spatial index.
  • If in a personal geodatabase, users must export the affected feature class to a new feature class in the same personal geodatabase or another personal geodatabase to recalculate the spatial index.

    1. In ArcCatalog, right-click the affected feature class and navigate to Export > Geodatabase (Single).
    2. Complete the required fields, and click OK to run the Feature Class to Feature Class Tool. Wait for the notification indicating that the feature class was successfully imported.

Article ID: 000012624

  • ArcMap

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