When a feature is selected and a reference scale is used, the selected point feature ignores the reference scale

Last Published: April 25, 2020


**This issue has been resolved in ArcGIS 9.3.1 Service Pack 2.**

In ArcMap, when a feature is selected and a reference scale is used, the selected point feature ignores the reference scale.

This differs from ArcMap version 9.2 and earlier, where if zooming in or out with a reference scale, the selected feature honors the reference scale and changes in size.


This is a known issue in ArcGIS Desktop 9.3, 9.3.1, 9.3.1 Service Pack 1 and 9.3.1 Service Pack 2.


ArcGIS Desktop 10 has an option for the selection symbol to honor the reference scale. This option can be found at Selection > Selection Options > Scale selection symbols when a reference scale is set.

At 9.3, 9.3.1, and 9.3.1 Service Pack 1, use the Desktop Feature Selection Symbol Scaling patch. See the link in the Related Information section below.

At 9.3.1 Service Pack 2, you can add a registry setting to enable this functionality by following the steps below:

The following steps make changes to the Windows Registry. It is recommended to make a backup your Windows Registry before modifying it.

  1. Shut down ArcMap and ArcCatalog.
  2. Download the following zip file: ScaleSelectionSymbol.zip
  3. Extract the .reg file located in the ZIP file to your hard drive or desktop.
  4. Double-click the ScaleSelectionSymbol.reg file. This adds a registry setting that enables the functionality.
  5. Open ArcMap.
  6. When a feature is selected and a reference scale is used, the selected feature will honor the reference scale.
    If you want to turn off the option to have the selected feature symbol honor the reference scale in the future, please follow these steps:

    - Open RegEdit and go to the following location:

    - Under the settings folder, right click ScaleSelectioSymbol > Modify.

    - In the Edit DWORD Value dialog, change the Value data from 1 to 0.

Article ID: 000010972

  • ArcMap

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