Frequently asked question

What timeout settings affect longer replication or WFS processes on ArcGIS server?

Last Published: April 25, 2020


In a server environment, timeouts are used to stop processes that are running for longer than expected. In many cases, the default timeouts are sufficient; however, actions such as synchronizing a large number of changes or getting many features from a WFS service can take longer to complete. In these cases, the timeouts may need to be adjusted to account for these longer processes.

ArcGIS Server:

For each service published through ArcGIS Server, the maximum time a client can use a service can be set. The default is 600 seconds (10 minutes). These settings can be adjusted in ArcGIS Server Manager or in ArcCatalog for each service. See the tuning services topic in the ArcGIS Server Help for more information.

HTTP server:

When publishing a service over the Internet, timeouts also apply at the HTTP level. When publishing through IIS 6.0, for example, the ASP.NET timeout can be adjusted as follows:

1) Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
2) Right-click the services folder under the server instance folder (i.e., ArcGIS\Services) and select Properties.
3) Click the ASP.NET tab.
4) Click Edit Configuration.
5) Click the Application tab.
6) Adjust the timeout by setting the value under request execution timeout.

If IIS 7.0 or a 64-bit operating system is being used, the appropriate value to set may not be available. In this case, do the follow the steps below:

1) Find the web.config file in the ArcGIS/Services folder (i.e., c:\INetpub\wwwroot\arcgis\services)
2) Open the web.config file.
3) Find the system.web tag.
4) Add the executionTimeout setting as follows and set it to the appropriate value. In the example below, it is set to 1200 seconds:

<httpRuntime executionTimeout="1200" />

With the ArcGIS Java server install, the connectionTimeout in the Tomcat server.xml can be modified as follows:

1) Find the server.xml file. For example: C:\Program Files\arcgis\java\manager\service\tomcat\managerappserver\conf\server.xml
2) Find the connectionTimeout and modify it, if necessary. The connectionTimeout is in milliseconds with 20000 as the default value.

<Connector port="8399" maxHttpHeaderSize="8392" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75" enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8343" acceptCount="100" connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true"/>

3) After modifying the connectionTimeout value, restart the ArcGIS Server Manager.

All services published through ArcGIS Server are subject to this timeout.


The client can encounter timeouts due to WinInet’s default timeout value. WinInet is Microsoft’s Windows Internet library and is used by Internet Explorer and ArcGIS. WinInet has a default timeout value of five minutes for Internet Explorer (IE) 7 and one hour for versions prior to IE 7.

Processes performed on geodata services such as data extraction, replica creation, and synchronization can involve a lot of data and take a long time to complete. ArcGIS 9.3 overrides WinInet’s default timeouts by a suitably large value while performing these actions. However, versions of ArcGIS prior to 9.3 do not override WinInet’s defaults, so timeouts are more likely. The Microsoft Support article located in the Related Information below provides information on how to override WinInet timeouts.

Once set, it applies to ArcGIS and may also apply to other Internet clients including Internet Explorer.

For UNIX-based ArcObjects clients, there is no client side timeout.

OGC clients may also have client-side timeouts. For example, WFS getfeature requests in Internet Explorer are subject to timeouts described in the Microsoft Support article located in the Related Information below.

Article ID: 000010052

  • ArcMap 9 x

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