What must ArcGIS Earth 1.6 users do if KML content is missing on the map?
Last Published: April 25, 2020
In certain circumstances, some ArcGIS Earth 1.6 users are unable to view KML content when checking on its visibility in the Table of Contents (TOC) of a map. This can happen in any of the following three scenarios:
When a user unchecks a KML in the TOC, turns off ArcGIS Earth, then launches ArcGIS Earth and checks on the KML. The user notices that the KML file is there but content is missing.
When a user imports a workspace into ArcGIS Earth with a KML tag set to invisible, launches Earth 1.6, and checks the KML. The user notices that the KML file is there but content is missing.
When an Admin user sets a KML tag to invisible as one of the startup layers, in Earth's config file (config.xml). When Earth 1.6 is launched, the user notices that the KML file is in the TOC but the content is missing.
A fix for this issue is included in ArcGIS Earth 1.6.1, which is available for download as of August 31st, 2017. Users can download and install the latest release of ArcGIS Earth to view all content including KML and enjoy all its new features.
Article ID: 000016665
ArcGIS Earth
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