Frequently asked question

What is the maximum number of days for borrowing a license?

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The maximum time to borrow a license is 65536 days. However, the maximum borrow time is limited to the expiration date of the license. Therefore, when registering a license file that expires in one year, the maximum borrow time for the license is 365 days. The borrowed license returns to the network at the end of the timeout date.

If the borrow period is beyond the license expiration, the borrowed license expires on the expiration date.

The graphical user interface (GUI) does not restrict a user from setting values beyond the limits of the license file. But in those cases, the borrow limit becomes the expiration date of the license itself. The license is returned, which would have otherwise expired.

The timeout for a borrowed license is defined by the user’s license administrator. If the user's machine is stolen or crashes with the borrowed license, the license remains borrowed until the preset timeout date. Therefore, shorter borrowing periods are recommended.

In ArcGIS Administrator, select Availability to view the expiration date of the product registration and licensing.
[O-Image] ArcAdministrator Expires column

Article ID: 000011920

  • ArcMap

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