After performing an Oracle import operation, the table or tables containing the ST_Geometry attribute are registered with the ST_Geometry metadata table, sde.st_geometry_columns.
However, the table is not registered with ArcSDE and cannot be accessed with ArcGIS.
To register the table with ArcSDE to allow it to be accessible by ArcGIS, one must use the sdelayer -o register command.
C:\> sdelayer -o register -l buildings,shape -e nac+ -u tb -p tb -i esri_sde
When executing the command, there is no need to specify the -R argument for the spatial reference identifier. The registration command detects the SRID value from the ST_Geometry attribute and validates the spatial_reference is present in the sde.spatial_references table. If this does not occur, the spatial reference is created by using the table's spatial reference from the sde.st_spatial_reference table.
For additional information on the sdelayer command, see the ArcSDE documentation.