Frequently asked question

What are some common installation issues with ArcGIS Desktop 9.1 Service Pack 2?

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Common installation issues related to ArcGIS Desktop 9.1 Service Pack 2 are listed below, followed by their workarounds.

Double-clicking ArcGISDesktop91SP2.msp does not start the Service Pack Windows Installer
Select one of two options below:

· Download ArcGISDesktop91SP2.msp again and install with the new service pack.
· Use the command line installation process.

1. Click Start > Run.
2. Type: cmd. Click Enter. This opens the Command Prompt window.
3. At the C:/ prompt, type: msiexec.exe /p [location of service pack]\<Product>91sp2.msp REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus.
4. Replace the [location of service pack]\<Product>91sp2.msp with the actual location of the file.

Error: "The Installation file, ArcGISDesktop91SP2.msp does not exist. The command line install cannot find the installation path to ArcGISDesktop91SP2.msp"

Copy the installation file to a directory path without a space in the directory name.

Error message: "The feature you are trying to use is on a CD-ROM or other removable disk that is not available"

1. Insert the ArcGIS Desktop or ArcView CD and click Enter. This continues the installation process.
2. If, during installation, the Installer cannot find the installation path, exit the setup and continue with the following steps:

A. Run the setup.exe for ArcGIS Desktop or ArcView.
B. Select 'Repair'; click 'Next' through the steps in the ArcGIS installation wizard.
C. Install ArcGISDesktop91SP2.msp.

"Error 1904: Fail to register xxx.dll"

· The error occurs while registering AoIntitializer.dll: "Error 1904: failed to register AoInitializer.dll".
Refer to ESRI Knowledgebase article 26816:
<a href='' target='_blank'>Error: Error 1904: Failed To Register AoInitializer.dll</a>

· The error occurs while registering other DLL files: "Error 1904: failed to register...*.dll".
Refer ESRI Knowledgebase article 28065:
<a href='' target='_blank'>Error: Error 1904: failed to register C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Bin\xmlsupportui.dll, 3dsymbolsui.dll, or GxRaster.dll</a>

Article ID:000008805

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