Frequently asked question

What are possible reasons for line sequencing errors when converting a topology to parcel fabric?

Last Published: September 13, 2023


The process for converting a feature class of polygons that represent land boundaries to parcel fabric format includes converting the polygons to line features if they are not already present. The lines must be coincident with the polygon segments. Instructions for this general process at the Help link for loading data to the parcel fabric.

The process does not outline a step that is sometimes necessary. If polygons are converted to lines using the Feature To Line or Polygon To Line tools, the derived lines are not split at every vertex; the lines remain unbroken until they intersect other features, at which locations they are "planarized," or split, and vertices are inserted at the intersections.

When the resulting lines are included in the topology to be loaded to a fabric, the topology may be validated successfully. When the topology is then loaded to a fabric, if the number of segments in a given line is smaller than the load tool's minimum line string count, the line segments are automatically split and assigned the distance, bearing, radius, etc., properties for their respective geometries. If the number of segments is at least as large as the line string count, the lines are treated as a "line string" in the fabric, that is, as a grouping where the distance, bearing, etc., properties of the member lines are not visible or available. (If desired, line strings can be "exploded" in a parcel editing session, generating those properties.)

In this way, the extra step of splitting the lines derived from polygons before assigning the lines to the topology can be avoided. But omitting this step can lead to other errors.

In particular, when a polygon has a "doughnut hole" configuration, it is necessary to split the lines corresponding to the hole at their vertices. Otherwise, if the line delineating the hole is unsplit, its start and end points coincide. This causes a line sequencing error when loading the topology to the parcel fabric.

Another line sequencing error can be caused by a line that forms a perfect circle, as it has the same start and end point, a single vertex. Parcels need a minimum of two vertices to be loaded through a topology, though it is recommended to have at least three.

Some other types of line sequencing errors are described in Related Information links for loading a topology to the parcel fabric.

Ensure that the start and end points of a line are not coincident.

Article ID: 000014309

  • ArcMap

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