When running sdesetup, the following error message may be encountered:
"Warning! The jar file jsde_db2.jar was not deployed to the database.
db_execute_ddlsql SQL Stmt: <CREATE PROCEDURE SDE.sde_txtidx_cmd ( IN idx_str VARCHAR(6158), OUT msgCode integer, OUT reserved varchar(1024) ) PARAMETER STYLE JAVA LANGUAGE JAVA PROGRAM TYPE SUB FENCED THREADSAFE EXTERNAL NAME 'SDEDB2JAR:com.esri.sde.server.db2.SdeTxtIdxCmd.txtIdxCmd'>
ERROR in creating system stored procedures.
Error: -51
DBMS error code: 0"
This error message is returned if the Java environment was not setup on the DB2 server. Without the Java files installed and setup, the jsde_db2.jar file cannot be installed or replaced.
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