Warning! The jar file jsde_db2.jar was not deployed to the database

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When running sdesetup, the following error message may be encountered:

"Warning! The jar file jsde_db2.jar was not deployed to the database.

db_execute_ddlsql SQL Stmt: <CREATE PROCEDURE SDE.sde_txtidx_cmd ( IN idx_str VARCHAR(6158), OUT msgCode integer, OUT reserved varchar(1024) ) PARAMETER STYLE JAVA LANGUAGE JAVA PROGRAM TYPE SUB FENCED THREADSAFE EXTERNAL NAME 'SDEDB2JAR:com.esri.sde.server.db2.SdeTxtIdxCmd.txtIdxCmd'>
ERROR in creating system stored procedures.

Error: -51

DBMS error code: 0"


This error message is returned if the Java environment was not setup on the DB2 server. Without the Java files installed and setup, the jsde_db2.jar file cannot be installed or replaced.

Solution or Workaround

Additional files must be installed to be able to use Java Developer Kit 1.3 or 1.4, and symbolic links must be set up on the DB2 server.

The files to be installed and the links to create depend on the version of the Developer Kit and operating system being used.

See Setting up the UNIX Java environment and its associated topics in the IBM DB2 help. This topic contains instructions and links to operating system-specific information.

For Linux operating systems, additional information can be found in Setting up the Linux Java environment.

    Article ID:000010170

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