WARNING 000087: Could not open table Invalid dataset name. Tool requires relative paths

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

"WARNING 000087: Could not open table <table name> Invalid dataset name. Tool requires relative paths."


This error may happen when running the Analyze Datasets or Rebuild Indexes tools on data owned by an operating system authenticated user. If the operating system authenticated user has a domain specified in the name (e.g., domain\user) the tool fails. This is due to software defect NIM080192. The quotes in the dataset name (e.g., databasename."domain\user".datasetname) are not being parsed correctly.

Solution or Workaround

When creating the user in the database in SQL Server Enterprise, do not specify the domain\username, rather specify only the user name.
For Oracle and SQL Server Express, or if the user is already created and data is loaded, DBMS tools must be used to gather statistics and rebuild specific indexes on the geodatabase datasets.

    Article ID: 000011553

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