Use Your Existing ArcGIS Online Organisation Short Name in a New ArcGIS Online Organisation

Last Published: August 28, 2024


Sometimes an organisation will create a new ArcGIS Online organisation. This may be because a company is opting to host data in an ArcGIS Online organisation within a new region (for example, moving from the United States or Europe to Asia-Pacific), an organisational restructuring requires a new ArcGIS Online organisation, or an organisation requires a second ArcGIS Online organisation.

The Organisation Short Name is an Organisation default setting that is used as a prefix in the organisation URL (e.g. 'Esri Testing' would make the org URL Each Short Name is unique - no two organisations can share the same short name, regardless of which region the org is hosted in.


The only way to use an existing Short Name in a new ArcGIS Online org is to replace the value in the existing org.

  1. Log into the original ArcGIS Online organization (the one that currently has the short name you wish to reassign) with an account that has Administrator privileges.
  2. Click Organization from the header menu.
  3. Click Settings from the subheader menu.
  4. If necessary, click on the General tab.
  5. Scroll down to Short Name within the Organization Defaults group.
  6. Click on the pencil icon next to the Short Name value.
  7. Change the Short Name to an available value and confirm the changes.
  8. Log out of your current ArcGIS Online org and sign in to your new ArcGIS Online org (the org that you wish to assign the Short Name to).
  9. Repeat Steps 1-6.
  10. Add the desired Short Name value and confirm the changes.

Article ID: 000033210

  • ArcGIS Online

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