Use the self-signed certificate in ArcGIS Server without invoking browser SSL certificate warnings

Last Published: April 26, 2020


It is not required to purchase a CA-signed certificate for the ArcGIS for Server machine when using a valid CA-signed certificate on the Web Adaptor. Instructions provided describe the steps to do this.


Before beginning, SSL must be enabled on ArcGIS for Server and IIS before the Web Adaptor is installed and registered to the server.

  1. Enable SSL internally on the ArcGIS server machine using the self-signed certificate.

  2. Enable SSL on IIS.

  3. Install the Web Adaptor on IIS.

  4. Register ArcGIS for Server to the Web Adaptor:

    This workflows allows access to ArcGIS Server using https without invoking certificate warnings. Make sure traffic is being routed through the Web Adaptor URL rather than trying to browse Server directly using port 6443:
    For example,

    https://<web adaptor url>/arcgis/rest/

Article ID: 000012306

  • ArcMap

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