Use the Project tool with ArcObjects

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to use the ArcObjects Project tool in a loop so feature classes can be re-projected all at once.


The code below can be used to convert all feature classes in an SDE Geodatabase (of the same projection). The converted feature classes output to a file geodatabase with a different projection.

public void ReprojectSDE()
Geoprocessor gp = new Geoprocessor();
gp.SetEnvironmentValue("workspace", @"Database Connections\StringTreeSQLExpress.sde");

IGpEnumList files = gp.ListFeatureClasses("*", "", "");
string file = files.Next();

IGpEnumList dfiles = gp.ListDatasets("*", "");
string dfile = dfiles.Next();

while (file != "")


string f_in = file;
//clean up the fc file name so it does not include the chinadoll.sde part
string f_prep = doSplit(file);
string f_out = @"C:\temp\test.gdb\" + f_prep + "_projected";
string sys_out = @"C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Coordinate Systems\Projected Coordinate Systems\UTM\NAD 1983\NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N.prj";
string geo = "NAD_1983_To_WGS_1984_1";
Project project = new Project();
project.in_dataset = file;
project.out_coor_system = sys_out;
project.out_dataset = f_out;
project.transform_method = geo;

IGeoProcessorResult gpresult = gp.Execute(project, null) as IGeoProcessorResult;

if (gpresult.MessageCount > 0)

for (int Count = 0; Count <= gpresult.MessageCount - 1; Count++)



file = files.Next();

while (dfile != "")
dfile = dfiles.Next();

public string doSplit(string str)
string[] ar = new string[3];
char[] val = { '.' };
ar = str.Split(val);
string name = ar[2].ToString();
return name;


Article ID: 000010852

  • ArcMap 9 x

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