Update the license file on the license manager server

Last Published: April 25, 2020


This article describes two methods to update the license file on the License Manager server, running the update utility, or performing a manual update.


Run the Update License Utility
  1. ​​Save the new license file to a location not related to ESRI software.
  2. Run the Update License utility.
    See: How To: Update your existing license file using the Update License tool
Manual Update (if the Update License Utility didn't work)
  1. Save the new license file to a location not related to ESRI software and name it license.txt
  2. Stop the License Manager:
    1. Click Start > Programs > ArcGIS > License Manager > License Manager Tools.
    2. Click the second radio button Configuration using Services.
    3. Highlight ESRI License Manager.
    4. Switch to the Start/Stop/Reread tab.
    5. Click the Stop Server button. A stopping confirmation message is returned.
    6. Minimize the screen.
  3. Swap license files:
    1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\ESRI\License.
    2. Delete all the .lic files.
    3. Make a copy of license.txt, save it to the same directory you just deleted all the .lic files from, and rename it ARCINFO.lic.
    4. Close this screen.
  4. Start the server:
    1. Restore the LMTOOLS screen.
    2. Click the Start Server button. You will get a starting confirmation message.
    3. Click Reread License File, and when it completes, close this screen.

Article ID: 000004747

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