Uninstall the Schematics License Manager without rebooting

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The uninstaller for ArcGIS Schematics will remove the application, but provides no mechanism for uninstalling the license manager service. Instructions below provide the steps necessary to remove it without rebooting.


Removing the License Manager for Schematics involves these six steps:

  1. Start up a command prompt by choosing Start > Run and typing 'cmd' in the dialog box. Click OK.
  2. Type the following to navigate to the C:\SchematicsLM directory.

    C:\> cd SchematicsLM

  3. Type the net stop command as follows:

    C:\> net stop "Schematics License Manager" <ENTER>

    You will get the following result:
    System error 1067 has occurred.

    The process terminated unexpectedly.

    The Schematics License Manager service was terminated successfully.


    This message is normal.

  4. Uninstall the service by typing:

    C:\> installs -r -n "Schematics License Manager" <ENTER>

    The following message displays:
    Schematics License Manager service removed.

  5. Start LMTOOLS.exe, found in the C:\SchematicsLM directory. In the window that displays, click the Configuration Using Services radio button. Select Schematics License Manager from the list box. Click the Configure Services tab, and click Remove Service. Confirm your choice and exit LMTOOLS.
  6. Remove the C:\SchematicsLM directory to remove the remains of the license manager.

Article ID:000006084

  • ArcMap 9 x
  • ArcMap 8 x

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