Unexpected error (429): ActiveX component can't create object

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

After loading the Geocoding Index Management Sample, from the ArcObjects Developers Kit, the following error occurs when trying to activate the tool:

Unexpected error (429): ActiveX component can't create object


The GeocodingToolsLib.dll and the GCIndexManagement.dll are not registered correctly.

Solution or Workaround

  • Register the GeocodingToolsLib.dll located in <drive>:\arcgis\arcexe81\ArcObjects Developer Kit\Samples\Geocoding\Common\Geocoding Tools Library

    <b>Regsvr32.exe method:</b>

    1. Open Windows Explorer and use the Find tool to search for regsvr32.exe.

    2. Drag the DLL to regsvr32.exe.

    <b>Right-click register method:</b>

    1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to arcgis > arcexe81 > ArcObjects Developer Kit > Utilities.

    2. Double-click register_in_menu.reg. This adds registration tools to the right-click menu.

    3. Right-click the DLL and select Register.

  • Register the GCIndexManagement.dll located in <drive>:\arcgis\arcexe81\ArcObjects Developer Kit\Samples\Geocoding\Common\Geocoding Tools Library

    <b>Regsvr32.exe method:</b>

    1. Open Windows Explorer and use the Find tool to search for regsvr32.exe.

    2. Drag the DLL to regsvr32.exe.

    <b>Right-click register method:</b>

    1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to arcgis > arcexe81 > ArcObjects Developer Kit > Utilities.

    2. Double-click register_in_menu.reg. This adds registration tools to the right-click menu.

    3. Right-click the DLL and select Register.

Article ID: 000004911

  • ArcMap 8 x

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