Unable to save your settings at this time

Last Published: April 26, 2020

Error Message

When attempting to save edits made to settings in an organizational account as an administrator, the following error is returned: "Unable to save your settings at this time."


This issue occurs because of bad HTML formatting in the Organization Description dialog box. The problem is likely caused by HTML tags saved within the text format.

In some instances, users copy rich text formatting from a Microsoft Word document or other text applications, and paste it into the Organization Description dialog box. The action of copying and pasting from different applications may bring over incompatible text or tags that prevent altered settings from being saved successfully. When some text are copied directly from a webpage, changes are also not retained.

To identify bad HTML formatting, users can refer to the following demo from a third party validator, such as Rich Text Editor.

Solution or Workaround

To paste or type supported HTML code, switch to the HTML source code view.

Option 1

As the administrator, use Notepad or another text editor to copy and paste the text into the Organization Description dialog.

1. Navigate to My Organization > Edit Settings > General > Organization Description.
2. Copy the text and paste it into Notepad (or another text editor).
3. Click the 'View HTML Source' button. Delete all text in the Organization Description text box.

4. Copy the text from Notepad.
5. Replace the contents from Notepad into the Organization Description text box.
6. Click Save.

Option 2

Delete the text and manually type the text into the Organization Description dialog.

Article ID: 000012316

  • ArcGIS Online

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