Unable to save edits because of failure when flushing edits to the database

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

If the save process cannot successfully write all the changes from the edit session in the logical network, as one unit of work, the save process fails and one of the following error messages is returned:

"Unable to save edits."

"Unable to save edits because of failure when flushing edits to the database."


When editing geometric networks, all changes to the logical network are performed in memory on the desktop to improve editing performance. Upon saving the edit session, the logical network changes are 'flushed' to the geodatabase as part of the save process. If for any reason the process cannot successfully write all the changes in the logical network, as one unit of work, the save process fails.

The failure of the save process can possibly be attributed to numerous problems. Any underlying DBMS error while saving can cause the error to occur. The following are some examples of DBMS errors: unable to extend a table or index segment; unable to allocate a rollback segment; device failure or system failure; and possibly the organization's network.

Also, if the geometric network resides in ArcSDE, the user cannot create a new version from the edit session.

At this point, due to the failure of the save, the edit session has been flagged as corrupt, and no further editing is supported.

Solution or Workaround

The only resolution to the problem is to first identify why the process failed and then correct the problem. Errors can be detected in the %SDEHOME%/etc/sde.errlog or in any of the DBMS logs.

Once the problem has been corrected, the edits that failed to save in the edit session must be redone.

    Article ID:000005008

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