Certain geoprocessing tools that modify schema within the Utility Network toolbox must be run when connected as the database and portal owner of the utility network dataset from a database connection. When sde.Default access is protected, these operations fail with the error:
Operation only allowed by the owner of the version [sde.DEFAULT]
Tools that perform DDL (data definition language) operations and require a client/server database connection display this behavior:
The utility network restricts schema modification to the database utility network owner. Schema modifying tools perform DDL operations that cannot be completed as the database utility network owner against sde.DEFAULT when access is set to Protected.
The access property for sde.DEFAULT must be temporarily changed to Public to perform these changes.
Execute these schema modifying operations against the database connection as the utility network database owner through the following workflow:
Alternatively, the following tools can be executed when accessing the Input Utility Network directly from a feature service. When the sde.Default version is protected, the active portal account must be a portal administrator or the owner of the service.
Article ID: 000021632
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