Unable to run lmutil.exe

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When trying to setup the License Manager, after the license file is specified the following error message can occur:

"Unable to run C:\DOCUME~1
\username\Local Settings\Temp\LMUTIL.EXE. Error status: 0"


This error can occur if the TEMP or TMP paths are too long.

Solution or Workaround

Follow the steps below to change TEMP and TMP environment variables to a short path.

  1. Go to Control Panel > System, and go to the Advanced Tab.
  2. Click the Environment variables button.
  3. Locate TEMP and TMP under User Variables. Use the Edit button and change the value from its current value, such as
    %USERPROFILE%\locals~1\TEMP, to a short path on the root of C:, for example, C:\TEMP.
  4. Verify both values are set to C:\TEMP, verify that C:\TEMP exists and reboot.
    Be sure that the directory exists before rebooting, otherwise errors will occur.

  5. Attempt the setup again. This time the error should not occur.

Article ID: 000007469

  • ArcMap

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