After applying the ArcGIS for Server Security Patch (January 2015), running the Python scripts or, included in the ArcGIS\Server\tools\admin folder, both fail when attempting to access ArcGIS for Server over port 6443.
One of the changes included in the January 2015 ArcGIS for Server security patch was to disable the SSLv3 cryptographic protocol due to a security vulnerability. This protocol was commonly used to provide secure communication over HTTPS. Python 2.7.5, which is installed with ArcGIS for Server 10.2.1 and 10.2.2, uses SSLv3 by default when communicating over HTTPS and does not attempt a different protocol if it fails. Hence the and scripts are unable to communicate with ArcGIS for Server using port 6443 after applying the security patch.
Option A
Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server 10.3. Python 2.7.8 is included with this version and does not rely on SSLv3 to communicate over HTTPS.
Option B
Manually upgrade the 64-bit version of Python used by ArcGIS for Server v 10.2. As indicated previously, Python 2.7.5 (64-bit) is distributed with ArcGIS for Server 10.2.1 and 10.2.2. Python 2.7.8 can be downloaded directly from and installed to overwrite the existing version of Python. When installing a newer version of Python, make sure to install it in the same folder as the existing version:
Overwriting the existing version of Python must be done with a 64-bit version and must remain in the 2.7 series. Upgrading to Python 3 or higher causes other failures.
If ArcGIS Engine 10.2.1 or 10.2.2 is installed on the same machine after manually upgrading Python, Python is downgraded back to 2.7.5 and the newer version must be reinstalled.
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