Unable to remove an add-in folder path from the Add-in Manager in ArcMap

Last Published: April 26, 2020


In ArcMap, users can install add-in files via the Add-In Manager. In the Add-In Manager dialog window, the Options tab allows users to provide a list of additional well-known folder locations, which are additional shared locations that can be used by one or more users to copy and delete add-ins to and from ArcMap. These shared well-known folder locations can also be removed from this list in the Options tab.

In some instances, when one of these well-known folder location paths is selected in the Options dialog window, the Remove Folder is disabled, and the selected path cannot be removed.



The Remove Folder button is disabled if the folder that the path refers to has been renamed, moved, or deleted.

Solution or Workaround

To resolve this issue, follow the steps provided.
  1. Restore the missing folder that is referred to by the selected path.
  2. Place the relevant add-in in the folder created in Step 1.
  3. In ArcMap, click the Customize menu and select Add-in Manager.
  4. Click the Options tab and select the related well-known folder path. The Remove Folder button is enabled.
  5. Click the Remove Folder button to remove the selected folder path. The well-known folder path for the add-in is removed from the Options tab list.
  6. Click Close.

Article ID: 000012043

  • ArcMap

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