When connecting to a read-only enterprise geodatabase from an ArcGIS client, or registering a read-only enterprise geodatabase with ArcGIS Server, an error is returned stating that the DBMS table could not be found.
After an enterprise geodatabase is created, upgraded, or following the application of a patch, additional rows may be written to geodatabase system tables. This only occurs on the first connection following creation or upgrade. As modifications to any tables are not supported in read-only databases, the process fails and the error is returned to the connecting client.
If the read-only geodatabase is the secondary database in a high-availability solution, such as SQL Server AlwaysOn or PostgreSQL Hot Standby, always connect to the readable primary database first after an upgrade or creation of a new geodatabase. This completes the required updates in the primary geodatabase which is replicated to the read-only geodatabase(s). If the geodatabase is set to read-only through some other mechanism, it should only be used after the initial connection is made and while the database is editable.
Article ID: 000018011
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