When attempting to compress a geodatabase using the Compress geoprocessing tool, the following generic error is returned:
Error: Failure to access the DBMS server[[Microsoft][ODBC Driver [version] for SQL Server] Communication link failure[dbo.DEFAULT][STATE_ID = [ ID ]] Underlying DBMS error[dbo.DEFAULT].For example:
Failure to access the DBMS server[[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server] Communication link failure[dbo.DEFAULT][STATE_ID = 46550] Underlying DBMS error[dbo.DEFAULT].
This issue occurs because the sdedc_SQL_Server.log of the index of the feature class in the geodatabase is corrupted.
Note: The sdedc_SQL_Server.log file can be used to check for extended error messages. The location of the log file can be found in: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp
Note: A recommended workflow for administrators is to frequently reconcile and post, compress the geodatabase, then run the Analyze Datasets and Rebuild Indexes geoprocessing tools.
Article ID: 000014135
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