Unable to add data using the Address location type with Portal for ArcGIS

Last Published: April 26, 2020


When Esri Maps for IBM Cognos is configured to use Portal for ArcGIS and the Address location type is chosen to add address data to the map, the address fields are not populated and the data cannot be added.
[O-Image] Address fields


This occurs when Portal for ArcGIS does not include a configured hosting server and/or a valid geocoder that supports batch processing. A geocoder is required to find the addresses and a hosting server is required to read the addresses and send them to the geocoder.

Solution or Workaround

To solve the problem, follow these steps:

  1. Perform a self-call on the portal using the following URL syntax:


    For example:

  2. Ensure that Portal for ArcGIS is configured with a valid geocoder that supports batch processing. In Portal for ArcGIS 10.3 or later, verify that batch geocoding is configured as follows:
    a. In the code, look for a "geocode" setting. All geocoders configured for the portal are listed under this setting.
    b. For each geocoder, look for a "batch": true setting. This setting indicates that the geocoder supports batch geocoding.
    c. If "batch": true is not present for any of the geocoders, configure a geocoder that supports batch processing.
    [O-Image] geocoder_batch
  3. Ensure that Portal for ArcGIS is configured with a hosting server, as follows:
    a. In the code, look for a "supportsHostedServices" setting.
    b. If supportsHostedServices is set to true, a hosted server is configured. If set to false, configure a hosting server for the portal.
    [O-Image] supportsHostedServices

Article ID: 000012499

  • ArcGIS Maps for IBM Cognos 5 0
  • ArcGIS Maps for IBM Cognos 6 0
  • Portal for ArcGIS

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